Well the laughter certainly was a bit unsettling. Caedwyn wasn't sure what exactly to do in the face of such a reaction. In his indecisiveness, he ended up standing rather still while the other male let out a laugh. Caedwyn's breath caught for a moment, but he quickly let out a relieved exhale when it seemed the other male was also familiar with Tsillah. At least he wasn't an Ohr worshipper. But still, Caedwyn wasn't quite thrilled with the title the male had announced. Reaper. He wondered what sort of duties that would involve. Obviously it meant some sort of killing, just by the name itself. But what were the details of such things? Was the male just running around killing anyone he could for the sheer fun of it? Just because he could? Not that Tsillah would demand that, but on the other paw ... Tsillah was unpredictable and merciless at times. Sending a wolf to cause mayhem and strife wouldn't be above her, in Caedwyn's view. "Ah so..." he said, his word drawing out as he contemplated how to respond. "Is that a title you gave yourself or something more ...uh.... formal?" He moved to the side with a quick sidestep, no longer wanting to be so close to the male. He wasn't afraid but he wasn't stupid enough to stand so close to a wolf that labelled itself a 'reaper' so enthusiastically. He moved his paw, poking at some leaves on the ground aimlessly as he spoke. "I'd love to hear about how such a name came about." He said it with genuine curiosity. He did want to hear about such things. "But speaking of names... who exactly is this 'Reaper'? Surely you'd be willing to give me your name? Since we're both loyal to the goddess, it serves us both to know our allies." --- Speech. |
Boggy Swamp
Stretching between two bodies of water, a swamp and bog made of twisting waterways and trees. Groves of large water cypress and mangrove grow up from the water. Fish, sharks, and alligators lurk in the green waters.
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