Larkspur watched with amusement as Reed promptly began wiggling like a young pup - how nice would it be for Larkspur to feel that sort of joy again? Although, inspiring that form of joy in someone was a close second they suppose, their tail picking up into a slight swish of its own before they were presented with a question. Using their plants to get a direction of the beast? They nodded in agreement, though they added aloud, "I will try but as trees have no eyes, the description may be vague." The chocolate furred wolf delved back into the earth, closing their eyes and beginning to touch the 'consciousness' of the flora beneath their paws. It always took a moment to adjust to the senses possessed by a plant - touch primarily and spacial awareness alongside a general running sense of resources. It would surprise some creatures to hear the amount of awareness plants had for this sort of thing - their water levels, the turn of the season, the expected water they'd receive and what other plants were in the area. The winged-wolf pushed forth the closest thing to an inquiry about the strange beast, asking for the creature causing concern. What Larkspur received back were more conflicting and confusing images - the estimated size was sort of vague, as was the species the plants tried to through out. Really, all Larkspur got was that the creature was... powerful? Full of energy at the very least. They shook their head in frustration - it would probably take them a while to decipher what exactly the plants had been trying to tell them but they supposed it was a start. "All I got was it was strong," Larkspur reported, hoping Reed wasn't expecting anything too detailed. "Strange and unusual but not unknown. I don't know - north maybe?" There had been a lot of interesting things toward the north after all - healing hot-springs, the first 'lion' and 'leopard' they had ever met, pillars sticking out from the ground, strange rainbow hills, a land of fire and caverns of glowing water and insects. 'North' was strange. Perhaps a strange place for a strange creature? --- Text. Speech. Thoughts. |
Cerulean Cove
A cove of bright blue water. Along the shoreline, the tides have carved the rocks into inlets and pools where the tide catches. There are many caverns and rock formations to explore here. The tide can rise quickly, flooding many of the areas without warning. An excellent place for gathering shells or hunting crustaceans.
When the Earth Speaks [Event Thread]