Cerulean Cove
A cove of bright blue water. Along the shoreline, the tides have carved the rocks into inlets and pools where the tide catches. There are many caverns and rock formations to explore here. The tide can rise quickly, flooding many of the areas without warning. An excellent place for gathering shells or hunting crustaceans.
All That Glimmers
OOC Date: 01-28-2025, 05:09 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 01/20/2025  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Female Tiger
Build Adult Brawny 37"
Health10 Dexterity1
Arcana 1 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 3 Stealth 3
Deception 1 Strength 3
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Saira observed the shaky legged creature that seemed to do the crustacean version of stumbling over its own feet, clearly disoriented from receiving a roar like that from a point-blank range. She tilted her head curiously, ear flicking dismissively at the raucous sound of sea-birds fighting over something while she weighed her options - the tiger had eaten crabs before but they had looked different from the massive clawed creature in front of her. She had always found sea-food to be something of a delicacy, something she wouldn't mind nibbling on as a treat but could this be like the time she'd tried a strange looking gater and found that it was rancid? She was still weighing her options - leaning towards taking a risk and trying this new sea-food - when something slammed firmly into her left flank.

She turned her head non-plussed, glancing down at the creature now staring wide-eyed at her. The tiger had barely budged from the impact, not even offering the poor wolf the politeness of feigning stepping back or even rocking. She hadn't even grunted, merely turning her head like she'd been tapped on the shoulder. Oh, it was a wolf - interesting, those seemed more common in this new territory. In her old home, the packs had taken careful caution to avoid her mother - and by association, Saira - so it was only a recent development to begin seeing them so close.

"Careful now," the tiger chuffed, placing a massive paw on the crab trying to subtly sneak away while the predator's attention was redirected. "Don't wanna go tumbling into the sea, do you?"