Boggy Swamp
Stretching between two bodies of water, a swamp and bog made of twisting waterways and trees. Groves of large water cypress and mangrove grow up from the water. Fish, sharks, and alligators lurk in the green waters.
[P] Who's Next?
OOC Date: 01-28-2025, 04:19 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/31/2024  in  Boggy Swamp  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 36"
Health6 Dexterity2
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 2 Perception 3
Constitution 3 Stealth 2
Deception 2 Strength 2
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The unease of the other as Ridley circled did not go unnoticed, but it did go without acknowledgment. His silver gaze sparked with further interest when the other did not seem put off by the idea of being connected to death. Death often frightened others. It was the end of the journey for many, and a midway point for the selected few. It came without mercy and did not discriminate. This wolf, though, he answered without any tone of worry or fear. 'I am a servant of our Lady of Death herself, the goddess Tsillah.' 

When the name left the male's tongue, Ridley's face shifted to reveal an expression beyond curiosity for the first time. His silver eyes widened, surprised to find another of Her faith out here in this unknown land. No. It was no longer unknown. It was Argaia. The other's gaze remained focused and he inquired if Ridley had heard of his beloved Goddess. At this, Ridley's muzzle stretched into a long, toothy grin. A low chuckle began in his throat, growing in size before he began outright laughing at the question. She was playing tricks on him! 

His laughter died away slowly, and he talked through lingering chuckles. "Heard of her? Servant of Tsillah, you are looking at Her shepherd." His long, forked tongue slipped from his teeth and ran along his smile. "Or, some prefer the title reaper." His reptilian tail flipped from once side to the other behind him, the tail tip twitching with excitement. 

Forked tongue... reptilian tail... eyes that catch any light and shines... some irregular stripes along his back...