Larkspur repeated the title out loud and proclaimed that they liked it, sending Reed's rump into a furious wiggle of joy. Secretly, deep down inside, she had really really hoped that Larkspur would like the name that she and Balthazar had come up with together. She found herself wishing he was here again. This was just the sort of thing he loved to do! "We should start!... uh!.., hmm," Her sentence started with vigor, but quickly sputtered out when she realized that she didn't have a clue where to start looking.
"Wait!" Reed spun around to turn face to face with Larkspur. Pip chirped and complained as he was tossed from between her shoulders and had to catch himself in the air. He hovered for a moment, then fluttered up and onto a branch to land and grind his beak. "Larkspur, you said that your plants could sense the beast, right? Do you think you can figure out which direction it might be in with yer magic?" Reed knew that Larkspur had a garden, and she knew that Larkspur had some form of plant communication or manipulation, but she wasn't sure just how far that went. "Maybe not exactly, but it would give us a starting point if ya could."