Any Other Way
OOC Date: 07-17-2023, 04:42 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/10/2023  in 

Species Female Domestic Dog
Build Adult Lean 21"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 4 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

Aster looked around, utterly hopeless and trying her best to assess her predicament. She couldn't stay here, no, no, no. She had to get out of here, to somewhere at least with water, and food and then ─ then maybe she could find her way home. There was movement, in the direction the stranger had gone and the collie perked up, her long nose turning the direction of the sound, a hopeful twitch of her nose. She watched the other slip out, careful in her movements. 

”You’re in the Badlands,“ came the others words. Maybe she knew this place then. A single ear fell back, " know how to get out? I can't stay's too hot" she wondered, watching the other turn and pick something up. 

She seemed uncomfortable with the entire exchange, but when she turned away Aster got a better look at her. The Collie's brows furrowed, her face tightening and pulling together in obvious concern. And even as her company turned back with something clamped in her jaws, and it was pushed toward her, Aster's expression didn't falter. ”Eat. They’re food.” she looked down at the sticky looking food, before her focus turned back on the other woman. "My dear you're green" she blurted. "Are you ok? Are you sick?" what was wrong with her? What did she have? A hundred questions suddenly rushed through her mind. Cast aside the thoughts of getting out of here, or finding water, Aster was concerned for this others wellbeing.