When she pushed her head against his shoulder he leaned in, allowing his weight to return the gesture. His tail gave a little wag behind him, gently slinging water from the tip as it moved. "Oh, well yeah I guess not. I guess I'll just have to hang around here for awhile until my coat dries out," he chuckled in response to her about swimming in winter. He absolutely hated the winter. Maybe that was what had made him come here? It was a little chance to get away from the cold and be reminded of home again, and he was glad he'd done so. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have seen Ixora again. "I-uh," he started to speak but then suddenly realized he didn't know what to say to her. It was weird trying to solidify what their relationship was. She'd been their leader when he was so young and he hadn't seen her since their secret meeting during the Casfuran festival when he was spying on Athadia. The memories felt like a dream that was about to be forgotten. "Have you been well? I know it's been a long time but - " his words cut off again as he tried to think what to say to her. He wanted to ask her so many questions and yet at the same time, he suddenly realized how close to strangers they were. They shared so few moments in the past together, but somehow the thread that connected them refused to break. It felt similar to the way he and Enya had come together. Time brought them together and pushed them apart, only to bring them back again. Of course, he wasn't in love with Ixora the way he was with Enya, but some part of him felt the same. She was one of the few connections to his past that he had left. He forced a little awkward chuckle and continued. "It's not everyday I run into someone from home." --- Speech. |
Great Falls
Two rivers flow over a series of cliffs into a massive lake and water system. Jungle and tropical foliage surround the waterfalls. The sound of the falls can be heard from far around and a thick mist hangs in the air.
[P] Between Past and Present