"I wonder where he's gotten off to," Larkspur mused to themself, glancing back toward the coast. They were a loner type but Balthazar hadn't ever seemed to be, especially given his bond with Reed. And they hadn't expected him to go wandering so soon after they were reunited - but they supposed that wasn't their business. Unless Reed demanded they go seek him out once more, they supposed they'd just wait until the hyena returned to them. Besides, Reed had already taken the limited information the brindled wolf offered and was - metaphorically - running with it. They listened curiously to the message Reed read aloud, blinking a bit in surprise about the role of some mysterious wolf and a new name, 'Ohr' being brought up. They scrounged around in their memory before remembering that 'Ohr' was the name of one of the two major gods that ruled the two big-packs in the area - the one their sibling, Snapdragon was a member of. "Sure," Larkspur agreed, stretching slightly as Folke - sensing their intentions to begin sitting up properly - quickly slithered back over to take its spot wrapped securely around their shoulders and neck. "Maybe if we find this creature, the plants will calm down and grow. And it'll be an interesting story for my sibling." --- Text. Speech. Thoughts. |
Cerulean Cove
A cove of bright blue water. Along the shoreline, the tides have carved the rocks into inlets and pools where the tide catches. There are many caverns and rock formations to explore here. The tide can rise quickly, flooding many of the areas without warning. An excellent place for gathering shells or hunting crustaceans.
When the Earth Speaks [Event Thread]