Eon fumbled over his words and her smile grew to encourage him to speak. She was a friend, not just his Monarch. He then went on to explain what had happened - he'd felt cooped up as of late and had spread his wings to escape the feeling. It wasn't a surprise to her that he did not enjoy winter. Most didn't.
As he tested his wings Enya took a step back, turning her head as the winds shifted and the gentle snow was blown her way. Unintentional, she was sure, but it gave her an idea. "Actually, I do, now that you mention it." She lowered herself into a bow and stretched her front limbs and back, then lifted and leaned forward to stretch each of her back legs. She finished her stretch off with a shake, then turned to Eon. "I've been feeling a bit heated myself, and I think it might do some good to let that steam out. You know a good way to keep warm? Good ol' fashin exercise."
She motioned with her head for Eon to join her at the side of the bank where snow ended and ice began. She looked out towards the center of the lake. In the middle was a small patch of water, but otherwise, the lake was frozen solid. "You gave me an idea. What do ya say we make it from this bank to that one as fast as we can. Not a race, but the both of us, together. I betchya it'll be fun." She tossed her head towards the left side of the lake where she was confident the ice would be solid and they wouldn't risk falling through. "Oh, and no magic." That would be too easy. "What do ya say?" She nipped, then, in Eon's general direction and turned to fall down into a second bow, her tail wagging. This one was meant to entice him into saying yes to her request.
Ooc: the nip is a friendly 'hey lets play' nip and is not intended to make contact with Eon