Cloud Bend
A valley between two mountains with forest and a river. A unique area that fluctuates between various gravity levels, allowing creatures to traverse between the ground and sky. Stars, clouds, and space dust, as well as beautiful trees and flowering plants can be found here
[P] Just Wanted To Say 'Aloe!'
OOC Date: Yesterday, 04:58 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 01/15/2025  in  Cloud Bend  —  
Species Male Other Feline
Build Adult Lean 13"
Health2 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 4
Constitution 2 Stealth 5
Deception 1 Strength 1
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Delta hadn't expected so many of the rivers and streams to freeze, ice floes had been a rare, distant sight out in the open ocean in only the most frigid of seasons. Inland though, nearly all of the smaller streams autumn rain had fed had since starved and shrunk to nothing, replaced instead with packed snow and dried branches which drastically shrunk his range. It had been frightening sure, the few times he'd slunk across land to reach other bodies of water now inaccessible by swimming, but he'd managed well enough at first. He'd even found himself enjoying how the snow felt against his pelt, batting at the banks and rolling about in the strange almost-water when he wasn't busy with hunting.

Now however, even the larger rivers were freezing. Delta had feared they'd dry up completely like the streams had, but instead the ice created a thick, strong layer above the currents to block the water in. He'd desperately clawed and scrabbled at his new ceiling out of the initial fear of being trapped, but it hadn't taken long for the little cat to grow accustomed to it. In fact, he almost found himself preferring it. The water was colder now, sure, but it was dark and quiet. Fish were sluggish and easy to snap up, and he didn't have to worry any land predators would try to catch him now that he was protected beneath the ice.

So, Delta's winter had been rather peaceful. Boring, but peaceful. He patrolled the water and nested in deep cracks along the riverbeds, only swimming up to the ice to press his face against and make out the hazy outlines of sky and trees above. Where the ice was thinner, sometimes he caught sight of animals moving across the banks.

Sometimes they stepped on the ice, and that seemed to be the most likely explanation as to why a section had broken off along the river's edge here. Delta spent a good long while regarding the break with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, but it seemed that whatever creature had initially broken it had long since left the area. Eventually he gathered the courage to take a look, pushing off the riverbed to rise up and poke his eyes above the water's surface. It had been quite a while since he'd been exposed to the air, and a gurgling hiss escaped him as he squinted against the sharp winter sunlight. As his eyes slowly adjusted, he peered up and down the territory and blinked with awe at the realization at just how colorful the air was here.

Delta had never seen such a place before, and he was so distracted by the sight that the ordinary clump of cattails sprouting from the soil close by fell out of his attention. He was debating on the idea of stepping from the water to get a closer look at the strange almost-fog when suddenly, there was a wolf. They had made no sound heralding an arrival, no scent or sight. It was as if they just appeared from the plants, close enough to touch, and Delta shrieked.

DICE ROLL: Charisma, Banshee
Success: Delta's scream evokes a sudden sense of terror, instinctually trying to scare off a perceived predator.
Failure: Delta screams in surprise, but there's no supernatural effect. It probably sounds kind of funny cause his mouth is still halfway in the water.