Reed frowned at Larkspur's answer to having seen Balthazar recently, her high-energy mood suddenly dimming. If Larkspur hadn't seen Balthazar, and if he wasn't asleep in their hut, then where was he? He couldn't miss out on all the fun! "He's not in the cabin. I checked." A part of her worried about him, but a larger part of her knew he was ok. If there was any wolf out there that could take care of their selves, it was him.
Her mood brightened once more when Larkspur declared that they weren't currently busy. Then they went on to explain the plant situation and at the mention of 'some creature', Reed started to bounce on all four paws side to side. "Oh! It must be! It has to be it! Oh, your plants are so smart if they already know about it! Look at this message I got!" At the mention of the message, Reed undid one of her several scroll cases that lined the chest straps of her harness. She popped one open with a nail and used her magic to lift it from the case and unfold it, turning it towards Larkspur. "I was out practicin' my dancin' in the woods, you know the place an' tree. This strange wolf approached me all mysterious and all and was like 'Ohhhh, you look just the wolf for the role. Ohr has a quest for you, young adventurer, with one goal.' and then gave me this scroll and then just walked off and vanished!" There was various text written upon the parchment, most notably mention of a large beast roaming the lands, but there was no specifics given, such as what the beast looked like, or where it might be. Not one to be deterred, Reed pressed on with her idea. "If your plants already alerted you of it, maybe they can help us find it! What do you say, help me out? It'll be one for the stories for sure!"