Thankfully, she didn't seem to notice how much his cuts and bruises hurt. Or she pretended not to. Either way, Matthias kept with the downplay.
A quest for her God? That really piqued his interest. He was already looking around even before she asked, "Hmm. Does a gryphon count?" he stared at a particular ledge not far off ahead of them, beyond their current cliff. From their view, he could just barely make out the entrance of a cave or divot on the cliff side. Squinting real hard, Matthias believes he may have even seen straw or grass that might line a den. Something glinted from the sunlight, which caught his eye more than anything.
"Race ya," he said without even looking at her, wasting no time in taking flight and gliding to the other cliff side.
Urna could reach this spot if she went around. If she got this far up the Bluffs, then this small journey wouldn't be an issue. Matthias, meanwhile, took the time to examine the place for anything of interest. It was for sure some creatures' den, and a big one at that. Long, dead grasses lined the stoney floor, and the remains of some mountain goat -- reduced to bones now -- was hidden deep inside. But most pleasurably was treasure -- gold and gems and all sorts of jewelry. A gryphon after my own heart. He grabbed the gold first, pocketed it in the satchel that rested under one of his wings, then took to stuffing it with the other things as well. Once that was done, he assessed his wounds: a bit of bruising on his front left paw, some scrapes on his chest and chin he could probably pretend was just the blood of a recent meal. He gave them a few quick licks, not sure how much time he has left before Urna got here. And if she does arrive, he'd pretend there was never any treasure to begin with... Except... He took out the least interesting bit of jewelry and placed it randomly within the grasses. Just to be sure.