Mushroom Grove
A jungle forest of trees and mushrooms of all varieties. Mushrooms grow in all sizes from small, to towering larger than trees. Mushroom spores float through the air, causing various effects (some poisonous, some beautiful).
[AW] Call of the Wild
OOC Date: 01-11-2025, 12:28 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 01/06/2025  in  Mushroom Grove  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 46"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 2
Constitution 5 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 5

Linnaeus' comet-like arrival caused him to stop in his tracks, head rising away from the perceived danger, before he relaxed upon realizing it was the feathery fox. His ears perked to listen to the message, a serious expression on his face as he nods in affirmation. his nose once more goes back to the earth, finding one intriguing scent but staying silent until he was sure it was something worth tracking. "Wait for me!" Calls Flame. He stops and looks back, allowing Flame time to catch up before saying, "we must be hasty. if zis beast is something ohr is after and aware of, i have little to doubt zat other, less savory people know of it as vell. vor all ve know, even duskorna is after zis beast - ve cannot allow zem the upper paw," it was then that he turned back to the earth, answering flame's question in the meantime, "i chose zis location because i believe zis may be a land brimming vith potential magic. zere are many special mushrooms used both in brews and on zeir own zat hold immense power. ve have no clue vhat zis beast looks like, vhat it eats, or vhat kind of powers it holds. but perhaps, if ve're lucky, ze grove's pro-pen-si-ty vor magic and mushrooms might hold some sort hold on ze beast,"

the trail he had been following still didn't smell familiar to him, and seemed to go deeper into the grove. with his tail flagged out for attention, he says, "i zink i vound something. it heads east. linnaeus, can you look on ahead and see if you vind anything?"