Rainbow Hills
A rolling landscape of hills and valleys. Various mineral deposits here have turned the soil into a kaleidoscope of colors.
Mandatory Spa Day [Open]
OOC Date: 01-10-2025, 02:06 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/13/2024  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 26"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 3
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3
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Success! Her teeth found hold and promptly sank down into tender flesh to secure it's grasp. Success! They had done it! They would eat, and she would keep her promise to her new friend! Reed opened her emerald eyes and realized that she was staring at the ass of the deer, and not it's bottom jaw or neck. Oh dear. She'd landed her bite, but she'd landed it all in the wrong spot! 

Even so, she quickly tried to make the most of it. She clenched her jaws harder, locking them in place, and tried to find footing beneath herself as the deer desperately tried to fight her grasp and yank away to flee. Lucky for the pair, the deer was small. Reed was able to twist her body around as it tried to drag her and secure her hold as she felt her paws dig down against the rocky soil. Her grip slid for a moment, but then sank in firm when she found a patch of soil gathered from years of winds blowing it up the banks from the river. 

Larkspur was there to rescue Reed and her failed attempt at taking it's neck. The three of them fought for a moment before a snap was heard and the life of the deer drained from its essence. Reed didn't let go until she was sure every last spasm was used by the body. Larkspur apologized to her suddenly. "Larkspur! Ya don't gotta apologize. You were amazing! You're so quick an' agile! I felt like I was the one ruinin' the hunt. I'm not very good at it. Us pirates usually just fish up what our nets catch in the sea." Reed panted as she licked her jaws, cleaning her face of the blood and saliva. 

"Before we eat, lemme do somethin' first." Reed asked, then stood, shook, and turned to search the bank for a pebble. There were plenty and it took mere seconds for her to find one she liked and return with it. She approached the body and placed the pebble on the deer's side, lower down on the chest where it's heart might be. "Thank you, Tyr, for the gift of this chance to hunt, and Mar, for the strength to bring it down. May it's soul sail free." Reed waited a moment, then looked up to Larkspur. "Ok. I'm done. Go ahead an' eat. I'll keep watch. Once you're done, I'll take my turn. We can leave the rest for the others and maybe get some actual sleep." She yawned as she finished her final word, stretching the word long. 

Ooc: Seems like a good spot to end it if you'd like to give us an exit the next post. Smile