High Bluffs
A large mesa with smaller plateaus and bluffs. A forest and plains sit atop the highest part of the mesa with a cold river that flows from the north.
OOC Date: 01-08-2025, 12:10 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/20/2024  in  High Bluffs  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health10 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 2 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 2
Deception 2 Strength 4
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"Not anymore" Enya blurted out at the other's inquiry of whether she agreed with the orders she was given or not. Though, Enya did have to agree that being out here was far better than being in a cell. Between the other wolf's accent as she spoke, and the direct mention of a 'cell' and not a 'den', Enya started to wonder if she was speaking to a wolf from the lands of her old. From his lands. If this wolf was after her, she hadn't made any indication that she recognized her. She absolutely fit the role of a bounty hunter, but she didn't act like the saber that had gone after her. No. There was no doubt in Enya's mind that this was simply another stranger with a similar dialect that potentially hailed from a place where wolves built great structures, just like in His world. 

When it was the other wolf's turn to tell her tale, Enya remained standing, patiently listening as she further studied the creature. She'd seen many sorts of creatures during her time alive. Many of them were strange creatures with too many legs, or ears, or eyes, or too many wings, or tails. She couldn't recall, however, ever coming across a wolf quite like this one. She wondered if the creature had wings hidden behind it's green shell? that covered it's back. She imagined it, then, this stranger suddenly lifting into the sky and flying at her with brute strength and mandibles ready to crush. It would be a fun fight. 

Unfortunately for Enya, when the other explained her home from before, there was little detail provided about what this wolf's home was like civilization wise. Perhaps she could prod on the subject later - if there was a later. A foreign word was thrown at her, suddenly, and Enya tried to decipher what a 'cities' could be. She didn't linger on the thought long when the other mentioned the youth had proclaimed that they believed to be in a different world. "Smart pup." Odd that this one hadn't kept the pup with them to keep them safe. Maybe her definition of whelp was different, too. She would need to investigate. 

"Because she's probably right. There's strange magic in life powered by our Wills." She paused for a moment to watch the other wolf's expression, to see if it would change from the disbelief that she showed before. "I've seen a world where only wolves hold a higher intelligence, and I've seen a world where everything could talk back to you. I've followed a portal to a realm with grand castles built, castles I was told were made thousands of years ago, and I've suddenly woken up before, much like the whelp, and realized that the world I knew was no longer the world I was in." A grand life for a wolf of her age, too grand of a life to be possible for one who looked to be in their prime. Yet Enya meant every word as she said them, speaking the truth of her experiences. "The worst part is I can never figure out a way back. Every time reality changes, it's always new." Time travel, realm hopping, all things Enya had sought to learn more about, only to learn that neither were possible to do in the way that she desired.  

"So, stranger, what will you do now, in this new world? Will you go back, or will you step forward?"