There would have been no hesitation for Eon to go find a medic. In fact, he already had his wings spread and ready for takeoff when he heard Shifty say his name. The memories of the party came flashing back. He wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to remember them right now. Had he really been so depressed that he had shown up drunk with a half-finished bottle of alcohol? The thought embarrassed him, but he forced a smile and chuckled. “I’m afraid I don’t,” he replied before taking to the skies.
He flew around in search of Ceartas, but it seemed she was not around. Fortunately, he was able to find someone else who could help. He would then scent out and find the den Enya had mentioned, and lead them in that direction, gesturing for them to enter and assist the wild dog in need.
He flew around in search of Ceartas, but it seemed she was not around. Fortunately, he was able to find someone else who could help. He would then scent out and find the den Enya had mentioned, and lead them in that direction, gesturing for them to enter and assist the wild dog in need.
Table background by Himmis