"Hmmmmmmmmmm" Reed hummed to herself as she stared at her tools and leathers. She needed to take them apart before she could properly give them a washing. If she grabbed her sword, though, then she might be pulled into further delaying the chore in favor of practice and play. She hated scrubbing the leathers, and hated conditioning them with oils even more. She stared and stared, delaying the task until some movement drew her eyes.
Magically, a rock started to rise up from the ground and float before her, do a little circle, then settled to the earth to begin carving something into it. "Huh?" Reed rose from her sit into a curious stand. Her chores had suddenly been completely forgotten as she watched with incredible interest. The line curved, then circled halfway back up. A bowl? A coconut half? The rock lifted up into the air and settled once more, drawing another shape in the soil. First came a straight line, then a curvy line. Wait, were these letters being spelled out? Was someone trying to tell her something important? Was this going to be some fantastic chance at some crazy adventure into chaos that she would one day live to tell the tale about? Her shortened tail wiggled with growing excitement as she considered the idea.
'U r'. You are. "You are what?!" she urged eagerly as the rock lifted up once more to begin writing out more letters. A B was formed. U r bold? U r Brave? U r b-destined for some heroic adventure? A 'u' was drawn. Burned? Burdened? Bunches of fun? 't' came another letter. Butter? U r butter? No, the last letter left in the soil was the second 't'. U r butt. "I am not!" she declared as she huffed at the rock, only to see a mound of dirt rise up in the shape of a butt. What the heck was going on here??? "If I'm a butt, then you are too! It takes a butt to know a butt, you butt!" Reed, in true lady-like fashion, then stuck her tongue out at the dirt-butt and blew a raspberry at it.