Boggy Swamp
Stretching between two bodies of water, a swamp and bog made of twisting waterways and trees. Groves of large water cypress and mangrove grow up from the water. Fish, sharks, and alligators lurk in the green waters.
[P] Who's Next?
OOC Date: 01-01-2025, 09:33 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/31/2024  in  Boggy Swamp  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health10 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 4
linked accounts

Caedwyn watched as an awkward smile came to the strangers maw. Was he hiding something or simply uncomfortable? Caedwyn for certain felt a little unsure, himself. Perhaps he was overthinking things and he listened while the gray male mentioned not needing sleep. It was odd, though Caedwyn knew there were all sorts of beings in their world. Perhaps this one had an affliction (or maybe blessing?) of not needing sleep. He supposed it could be fortunate. It would allow for more time doing useful things, travelling, or tracking prey.

Caedwyn let a little smirk come to his maw in return at the comment of being entertaining. The male reminded Caedwyn a bit of himself. He often found interacting with others amusing. Whether that interaction was good or bad didn't matter too much in the end. It was the amusement of pushing their buttons and watching them squirm, or manipulating them to his means. That was what Caedwyn enjoyed. But he hadn't gotten enough information from the stranger yet to even attempt such a thing with him yet. For now he could only think things over. But he had little time to ponder it in depth when the other asked what he was harvesting.

"Oh," he said a little sheepishly. He had already forgotten he'd mentioned that he was harvesting. He'd meant it only as a conversation starter, though it wasn't untrue. He had been harvesting. Well attempting to do so anyway. "Well, actually I haven't had much luck yet, to be honest. Caedwyn took a step back before lowering his hindquarters into a more relaxed sitting position. He wanted to seem open and welcoming, but he wasn't going to sit down with a stranger so close.

"I was looking for a particular plant that I'd heard grows here this time of year, but I seem to be having a difficult time locating it. I was told it only blooms at night." Caedwyn wasn't too knowledgeable about plants, but an herbalist in the Kingdom had given him some information about it casually in conversation once, nothing too serious. Caedwyn found the whole thing quite interesting and had set off to find this mysterious plant.

