Harvesting? Was this wolf one who dabbled in herbs or medicines? Suddenly this wolf was becoming more and more interesting to Ridley as he heard the other bring up a point about being loud and disturbing him. He was confused. Had he given him the indication that he had been disturbed? He hadn't startled or jumped at the other's presence. He had, after all, be courteous in his approach as he had observed before. Ridley hadn't growled or bristled his fur, either. Those were standard signs of alert or alarm, were they not? He had done just the same as the other wolf, spoken with an even tone and even posture, though admittedly Ridley's wasn't quite as friendly as the other's was.
Maybe he should smile?
"No" he responded as he made a bad attempt at faking a smile. He gave his tail a wag for good measure. Gods he hated these sort of interactions. "I don't need to sleep." he explained as the other pointed out that he'd come across him while he was awake. "Nothing keeps me up. You, though, are entertainment. What are you harvesting?" His silver gaze looked over the stranger, lingered on the various scars across him, and returned to his golden gaze. His forked tongue flicked absently from between his jaws as he waited for the other's response.