Ridley's threat sent the remaining ghosts fleeing off into the shadows. He though to give chase to them, to swallow them just as he did the other. He thought to, but he did not. With the harvest moon's light came Ridley's busy season. The realms between the living and dead were thinnest during this time and it was often that spirits found ways to slip through when they shouldn't. He took great pride and joy in returning them to their sender, but with a busy season came a full gut. If he overfed, he'd fall deep into slumber, deeper than any sort of mortal rest. She would be quite displeased with him.
He decided to let the spirits go to spread their mischief. After all, wasn't that all part of Her teachings? They had earned their night of trickery by outrunning him and out witting him. They had numbers on their side. It was inevitable that some would get away. "Remember, the shadows are watching" he said with a grin. They might be able to escape him today, but he would return them to the proper realm.
Twigs snapped and leaves rustled as someone gave him the courtesy of marking their approach. The winds that glided through the underbrush brought with it a strong odor - a pack wolf. Who or what he didn't know. What he did know was that loners didn't make a habit of socializing with others so often that they carried other's scents with them. The stranger appeared neutral as he approached. Interesting
Ridley's head tilted as the other wolf made an attempt at conversation with him. Unlike most males, this one didn't make an immediate attempt to pressure him into submission by ruffling his fur, barring his teeth, and yelling about who he was and why Ridley should know or care. A sense of relief came to him at this realization. Relief, until he realized that the wolf wanted the interaction to last longer than the necessary amount of time. He was a lingerer. "No, I'm not going for an evening stroll." his tone was not unkind, but it was not welcoming either. "Do you seek out everything that makes noise around you?"