The soft padding of paws on the rocky terrain told Reed that she had, in fact, woke up Larkspur when she'd quickly whispered to them before remembering their words. One of her ears rotated backwards, indicating to them that she was aware they were behind and alongside her. She crept along quietly herself, crouched and tensed, doing her absolute best to keep her gems and trinkets from jingling in her dreads.
Closer she crept, inch by inch, her green eyes locked onto the deer-creature. There was suddenly movement down by the banks - it looked like snakes reaching and striking at the deer - and the creature was off like a bullet, bounding quickly across the rocky terrain. Reed immediately leapt into action to pursue the hunt. She was anything but graceful as her weapons clank clank'd against her side and one another. It was a melody accompanied by the ching and ting of her beads and metal bits bouncing around as her dreads flopped both from her movement and the strong winds. Hunting was not something Reed was good at.
Even so, she tried to use her natural instincts to herd the deer and keep it along the river's edge so it couldn't escape up and over the slopes. Despite her efforts, she was already exhausted. Her legs ached within moments of her taking up the chase. She panted as she watched the deer gain distance on her, as the shadow of a figure began to vanish into the darkness beyond her vision. She remembered Larkspur and how they needed this food as much as she did. She remembered her promise to help Larkspur and she meant to keep it, darnit. "Hey you stupid deer!" Reed suddenly shouted out into the darkness, "Stop runnin'! I got a promise to keep, and that includes you!"
Reed uses siren song (unintentionally) to try and stop the prey from fleeing.
Success: Reed throws her voice to the other side of the deer, temporarily confusing it and bringing it to a halt.
Failure: Reed throws her voice but not far enough, further frightening the deer and causing it to leap across the river to escape.