It wasn't long until a voice poked through the rocks, followed by a head. The voice was masculine and when Helix saw the male who the voice belong to, she took in his appearance. He was younger than her, with a white face. Well, not completely white but white enough.He had piercing, vibrant, green eyes. He said this place was his home. She offered him a soft smile. "I hope I'm not intruding." She told him, her gaze followed where he pointed. She nodded and decided to make her way to the bluff. She watched her paw steps carefully as she traversed the rocked terrain until she could hoist herself up onto the stable bluff. Now she was a bit closer to the male and could see him more fully. She was much more taller than he was, by a good bit. His pelt had various shades of blues and whites, namely white on the legs and tail. Her eyes snapped to the starry sky that was much more open and apparent now that she was on the bluff. She seemed lost in thought for a moment before snapping back to reality. "Oh! Yeah. I'm just exploring. I didn't mean to stumble up on you." She gave a soft chuckle. She dipped her head towards the younger wolf. "Malachi." She repeated out loud then repeated several times in her mind over and over to commit it to memory. "I'm Helix. Helix Blackheath." She introduced herself to the male. She sat down on her haunches, curling her tail to her side.
High Bluffs
A large mesa with smaller plateaus and bluffs. A forest and plains sit atop the highest part of the mesa with a cold river that flows from the north.
High places, with New Faces