Cloud Bend
A valley between two mountains with forest and a river. A unique area that fluctuates between various gravity levels, allowing creatures to traverse between the ground and sky. Stars, clouds, and space dust, as well as beautiful trees and flowering plants can be found here
[AW] Brawlstars
OOC Date: 11-07-2024, 09:03 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/07/2024  in  Cloud Bend  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 46"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 2
Constitution 5 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 5

Dual-toned eyes watched, and waited with adrenaline and excitement running through his veins. He couldn't see her from this angle, and didn't hear a yelp or the sound of a collasping body, meaning his spikes were a bust. It wouldn't matter. Either she'd stay hidden in those trees and he'd try again in a moment, or she'd eventually make her presence known. Gabriel knew his best advantage was in close range, but he also knew Urna had a plethora of ranged and close-ranged attacks that could disable him before he could disable her. He continued to think over the possible best scenarios, sensing the pain in his own body from previous attacks. Worn, but not beaten. Still looking where he saw Urna last, he thinks, How close are you to submission?

Just then, the lithe hyena springs out from the trees - and the floating wolf braces himself for impact. Arms extend, head lowering to protect his neck and feline claws extending themself in preparation. With her acceleration and his lack of momentum, he knows an outright dodge is impossible, and so he tries to use his newfound power, callous, to harden his skin to the point of being nigh impenetrable. Her jaws would land on his left forearm, the severity of that bite dependent on whether or not he had any success.

She blasts off and turns away from him, the flames from her maw quickly heating the air around him. The smell of singed fur immediately enters his nostrils and he emits a low, grumble of pain. Now that she had used her fire, he had a rare opportunity. With teeth gritted to push pack against the pain - it'll definitely leave stinging red skin in the chest area - the brute leaps forward and attempts to grab her in a bear hold with his forepaws, the claws from his felidae right arm wanting to score marks along her chest and keep her pinned close. If he is successful, they'll both be hovering midair with her back on his chest.

hopefully this doesn't become awkward for either of them.

Gabriel: 4/7HP (NTS: crash landed, venom spit, fire)
Constitution Roll: Whether callous works
Success: Callous prevents Urna's teeth from sinking in and he takes no damage
Fail: It fails to work and he takes -1HP

Strength Roll: To see if his bear hold works
Success: He gives her a nice deadly hug and stabs her chest with his claws for -1HP
Fail: He doesn't catch her in time and she rocket blasts away