[P] one last time
OOC Date: 07-12-2023, 05:02 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/09/2023  in 
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

The wolf startled at her words and part of Enya immediately felt bad. She hadn't meant to scare her. She only meant to help her. When the wolf turned towards her, Enya immediately noticed the scar across her face and the presumably blind eye that accompanied it. Enya had once an intimate relationship with a wolf who had been blind. When younger, she'd seen blindness as an obvious weakness, a handicap and something that a wolf would be better off dead than to have. However, after her relationship with the blind wolf Wisteria, she'd changed her opinion. Blindness was not a weakness, and anyone who thought otherwise were fools in their own rights. To this day, Wisteria was the sole wolf who could give her a run for her money. Not once had her blindness hindered her, and in fact, Enya had grown to respect her greatly for overcoming her condition. 

The wolf with the scarred eye turned her face away, as if trying to hide the wound from Enya's view. Enya thought to call her out on the action, but it could cause conflict between them. She wasn't particularly interested in putting the other on edge more so than she already had by startling her. So instead, Enya acted as if she didn't see the wound on her face. 'I actually wore it' Her ears perked up at the statement. So, she wasn't trying to get what little nutrition she could from the bones shattered at her paws. She was presumably mourning the loss of her prized possession. Already Enya was liking this girl more and more. 

"I've been calling it The Realm." she answered casually, stepping forward to examine the bones at the wolf's feet - though she didn't dare to get too close in case she was protective over the remains. "I take it you've just arrived here? From what I've gathered, it seems commonplace for wolves to simply wake up and appear here. Are you hurt?" The scar on her face didn't look fresh, but that didn't mean that she was uninjured. 


text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac