Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 07-12-2023, 12:04 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3
Caedwyn hadn't thought out how Enya might react to his actions. Each moment was being taken as it was with little care for what came next. So when Enya nipped at his maw and slid out from him he took a small jump forward, instinctually following her for a step before stopping. His eyes followed her as she bounded away, dropping down to a play-bow in front of him. He could see the grin on her face and the way her tail waved. She had said nothing but the invitation she had presented him was undeniable. Just as quickly, she had turned and began to run away from him, leaving his mind no time to overthink the situation. Instinct took over and he let out a wild, high-pitched playful bark at her as his legs pushed him forward like a spring to chase after her. His legs pounded into the ground as he ran, kicking up mud into the air around him. She was the prey and he was the hunter, and he spared no effort to catch up to her.

Coming up alongside her, he didn't immediately try to 'catch' her though. He moved to the side, jumping in as though he was going to nip at her but carefully staying just far enough away to not make contact. He playfully made mock-bites at her, jumping back away just as quickly in case she tried to turn and stop him. His body leapt into the air as he tried to dart in front of her to cut off her escape and he came sliding through the soft soil, allowing the momentum to carry him forward while he turned his attention to her. He spun around, in a near u-turn, so that now he was facing her more directly and had come in front of her. His tail waved high behind him, as he lowered his front end to return the bow she had presented him with earlier.

But instead of running away as she had had done, he only bowed for a second before jumping forward toward her. This time both front legs outstretched toward her as he aimed for her chest to try to tackle her. He hadn't planned what he'd do if he actually managed to catch her though, and knowing Enya she was just as likely to dart out of the way and let him fall on his face - or put him on his ass rather than let him catch her. The uncertainty and the adrenaline was coursing through his veins and rational thought had been pushed from his mind. She was the prey. He was the hunter. She gleamed in the afternoon light, like a prize to be caught in front of his eyes as he leapt toward her.

