Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 07-11-2023, 11:29 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

The moment of contact was broken. Caedwyn left her side, leaving an emptiness in his wake. Her side suddenly felt cold and barren without his warmth against it, and she began to recognize that in his wake, mud clinged to her pelt. The very mud that she had tried to avoid coating herself with to begin with. He shifted and Enya stilled, watching and waiting to see what he would do next. Dare he do the unthinkable... well he'd have to meet her fangs. He reared up, shifted his weight, and a leg came down on her to wrap around her neck, his large body weighing on her, making her stiffen her front legs. Her neck braced, pushing back against his weight so she did not fall and stumble forward from the sudden gain. She was pulled forward by him and she allowed it. He spoke into her ear. 

"My Queen" 

A flurry of emotions rushed and surged through Enya. Faces flashed by in her mind's eye, faces that had all used the same term in such an intimate way. She shuddered and started to wonder if she had pushed this game too far. Her breath quickened, her heart beating faster in her chest. Was it simply a term used because she was the Queen at his side, or was it meant as a term to make claim to her? Their lives had been intertwined for most of her living, breathing life. He was the first wolf to welcome her to Vrolga, to the place where she had found herself as an individual, and he was the remaining wolf here with her, now, in this strange realm. They had time apart, but somehow they always ended up back together again. Through all of that time, they had played a game with one another. Enya had never considered herself a prude, and yet when the chances had arose, she'd not once considered Caedwyn for her games. Why? What had made him different from the others? It was no secret that she enjoyed exploring, and yet Caedwyn had never been an option. She couldn't wrap her mind around the reasoning. 

"I always know what I'm doing." 

The challenge, the confidence in how he spoke, it was enough to break Enya from her internal wonder and worry. 'Is that so?' she pondered inwardly to herself, steadying her beating heart and her nerves alike. At least one of them did, because she sure as hell didn't know what she was doing right now. All she knew is what she felt which at the current moment was reckless. 'Fuck it' she told herself. Take advantage of the situation. Let the game continue and see where it lead. The worst that could happen would be heartbreak, and honestly if that was the worst, then she could handle it. She'd had much worse before. What was one more dose of such a foul medicine? 

Her muzzle lifted and with a playful nip, Enya snipped at the scar on his muzzle. She said nothing to him as she wiggled from his grasp, slipping free with a fluid motion, and stepped backwards to put half a length between the two of them. There was no anger in her body posture, no evil glint in her eyes. In fact, the moment she backed away and put the distance between them, she dropped down into a play bow with her tail flagging high in the air behind her waving to and fro. She grinned as she stared at Caedwyn, a challenge in her eyes. 'Come get me' it said. The game of cat and mouse would continue, and the ball was once more in his court to see who would duck out of the game first. And if neither did? Well... that was later Enya's problem to cope with. 

With an action just as fluid as the previous had been to free herself from his embrace, she bounced up from her play bow and spun, taking off down the edge of the muddy riverbank. She wouldn't make the game of catch easy on him. 
