A valley between two mountains with forest and a river. A unique area that fluctuates between various gravity levels, allowing creatures to traverse between the ground and sky. Stars, clouds, and space dust, as well as beautiful trees and flowering plants can be found here
He found himself once more on the cusp of claimed territory, his frame partially hidden by the trees above. It was quite a chilly day, with occasional strong gusts of wind ruffling his fur. Once more, the lion found himself not making his presence known, instead wanting to see how long it would take a member of Verdantis to realize he was here. Though this time, he took to pacing back and forth. There weren't any comfortable piles of leaves around here, none warm enough to be worth laying in, so walking would keep his blood flow going and body warm. His wings were partially outstretched, head somewhat lowered and bright apricot orange eyes taking in his surroundings. And he would continue like this, waiting.