Hot water was lapping up the bottom side of her legs that were still caught inside the warm water. The other half lay sprawled on dry land, caughing up liquids as she started to rouse. Her body looked disheveled and every hair out of place.; a very messy Maureen.
As her eyes open everything is disoriented. Swaying and moving! Her entire head, spinning, so she lays it back down with a groan, tightly fashioning her eyes shut. Where did she come from? He mind was so blank.
The female wolf sat up and gave her scuffled coat a lap, placing on part of her fur back to where it belongs. Maureen spends a long time that morning groomong hateful- until she remembers her name- at least, the first half!
It was Maureen! She started to bounce with happiness but soon quit when her stomach rolled in unease.
Food. She needed to find some. With that thought the lass stood and shook herself, scenting the ait as she moved onward: hoping for prey-- or a friendly face.
SUCCESS: Maureen finds a friendly face!! Yay.
Fail: she finds a young stag in rut! Food, but aggressive!
As her eyes open everything is disoriented. Swaying and moving! Her entire head, spinning, so she lays it back down with a groan, tightly fashioning her eyes shut. Where did she come from? He mind was so blank.
The female wolf sat up and gave her scuffled coat a lap, placing on part of her fur back to where it belongs. Maureen spends a long time that morning groomong hateful- until she remembers her name- at least, the first half!
It was Maureen! She started to bounce with happiness but soon quit when her stomach rolled in unease.
Food. She needed to find some. With that thought the lass stood and shook herself, scenting the ait as she moved onward: hoping for prey-- or a friendly face.
SUCCESS: Maureen finds a friendly face!! Yay.
Fail: she finds a young stag in rut! Food, but aggressive!