The comment about his growth causes his tails to wag for a moment. Even though it was just a joke, he decided to answer anyway, "yes, actually. I used to be normal volf size bevore I came here," as he spoke, his ears would move this way and that, listening out for the sounds of anyone or anything else. He otherwise listened intently as the Noble spoke, and would nod agreeing at the words spoken, "ze im-pli-cay-tions ov such an event are vorth considering. It vould be different if any commoner ov Duskorna had done it, but ze monarch herself did. She vill certainly spread vord to ze others of ze day - likely to spin it in her favor, use it as fuel to paint us as ze proper enemy," he would pause for a moment, giving Quinnat time to add his comments, "how much of her story do you zink is credible? Do you zink Shifty vas vorking vith her ze entire time? What does he know of Duskorna?" even as he asks these questions, he goes through possible scenarios to try and answer them. As far as he knows, Shifty was not a member of Verdantis for long - and unless he pried, he likely only knew territory layout and perhaps the names of those of rank, the number of members, maybe even den locations. It made him feel irritable, his own brows creasing at the thought. Perhaps the leak of information was inevitable; he just wished it didn't happen so soon. |
A river valley between two mountain ranges. A powerful river flows through rocky terrain, creating strong currents and dangerous rapids. Precious gold ore can be found in the river for those brave enough. The forests surrounding abound with life.
[P] scratching around for something to believe in