[P] Looks like Home
OOC Date: 07-10-2023, 06:30 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/10/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 40"
Trade (untasked)
Health6 Dexterity
Arcana 2 Medicine
Charisma 4 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength

It was jarring coming to the realization that she wasn't in her old world anymore. She may never see any of her family again. She would never find her siblings. She would never see her mother's loving face, or be able to visit her father's grave. The smells of home, the heat of the cave, her father's tools and instruments left collecting dust in the corner, untouched in honor of his memory, it was all gone from her. 

It was a hard realization to swallow, but it wouldn't deter the large female from continuing forward. She had learned a valuable trait from her mother: never give up. She would honor that trait fully and used it to drive her forward. So, after having a solid cry by herself in the temperate zone, she'd picked herself up, dusted herself off, and began searching for her purpose. There were faces to meet here, new friends to find, and a home to make in this unknown land. 

Sage had seen the peaks of the mountains stretching out beyond the lake she'd awoken near. Mountains meant minerals and gems, and potentially meant caves to explore as well. Maybe she could turn one into a home like her parents had done so long ago. She could make a workshop and start fresh. The possibilities were endless! Oh, she wished she could share her dreams and aspirations with her family. It felt lonely without any of them beside her, very much having been a proud baby of her parents and never roaming terribly far. 

"It's ok. Every young wolf strikes out on their own. It's what we're supposed to do!" She told herself as she picked her way up the mountain path - foregoing a quick flight to take her time examining the mountains and what they offered her. From time to time, her wings would shimmer as they caught the sun's light and her magic woke within, sensing for minerals and metals in the earth jutting into the sky proudly. Unfortunately for her, she was too preoccupied to notice any others around. So accustom to the safety of her family and pack, she hadn't particularly learned the skill of keeping her guard up constantly. Any creature who might desire could easily sneak up on her as she grew excited and animated at sensing a cluster of jade in a washout from snow run-off. Her wings flexed with excitement, her long tail wiggling at the tip as she worked her magic to try and gently wedge the jade material from the layers of earth that that covered and hid the material beneath. "Just a bit more" she encouraged herself as she felt the energy draining from her. Magic wasn't easy for Sage and it showed as she began panting from the effort. 

Note: For Wroth