Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 07-10-2023, 04:29 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

When she responded, Caedwyn's anxious heart relaxed and his tail gave a quick wag. She was pleased with his plans. He had worried she would caution him to be more 'realistic' or to not be so bold with his plans. His ears flicked back in happiness as he imagined their success. He was so relieved with her reaction that her next words caught him a bit off-guard. Where did she fit into this? "... but where exactly is it that I stand?" The question was jolting. His wagging tail slowed before dropping and becoming still. He had been so quick to make plans that he'd made assumptions and he hadn't stopped to discuss how this would actually work with her. Where would she stand? What was her part in this? He was doing all this for her. Well, partly for himself, but at the end of the day all of this was so that they could have a home together. It made sense she'd want to know what her part in all this would be.

You'll always be my Tsiltan. His heart spoke into his mind but he dared not let the words escape. The title he gave her was that of a leader. His leader. But that word didn't fit anymore. It was a word from his old home, from Vrolga. But Vrolga wasn't here. He wasn't Vrolgan anymore - as much as that pained his heart to admit. That pack was far behind. She wasn't Tsiltan and this wasn't Vrolga. So, what was she then? They had to become something new.

"You've already answered that," he replied. "At my side." It was the only way this was going to work. He already knew Enya was too proud of a wolf to follow him blindly. More than that, she was too strong. He'd tried to challenge her once before and lost (not that he wanted to challenge her now). They needed to be on equal footing. Enya had charisma and experience as a leader. She was powerful. Despite his willingness and ambition to lead, Caedwyn lacked experience. Enya would make up for those shortcomings. Side-by-side, they would carve out a home from these lands. "I said I would follow you, and I meant it. I want you here, with me, as equals. I need you, Enya." The words came smooth and strong as his eyes looked to hers. Was this what she wanted though? Or was she done being a leader? She had been through so much - much that he knew and surely more that she hadn't shared with him. He wondered if she was done playing that part. Maybe she just wanted to sit back and enjoy what life had to offer at this point.

But the way she had answered before. That smirk. The twinkle in her eye. It all told him she wasn't done yet. It told him she wanted this. "I need your power." He said, taking a step and moving closer to her. His voice held a bit of a mischievous tone. "I need..." he teased the word, pausing as he side stepped and let his eyes move across her body. "... your fangs. I need... " He leaned in close, looking at her face and letting his eyes trail down to her maw. He leaned desperately close, until their noses nearly touched and he could feel her breath. "...your mouth." He smiled a mischievous smile, finally letting his eyes glance back up to hers.

"Our pack will need your voice to follow... and your fangs to punish those who refuse us. The top is the only place suited for you, obviously." Oh how he missed playing these games with her. It reminded him of the first time they'd met. He could hardly hold it together as his heart pounded heavily in his chest. It was a dangerous game toying with her though. When they had first met, Enya had been scared and easily tricked by his antics. But now she wasn't. She wasn't a wolf to be easily frightened anymore and he knew at any moment she could simply overpower him if she wasn't amused. His blood rushed at the uncertainty of it all, wondering if his trickery would amuse her, excite her, or anger her.