There on the Shoreline
OOC Date: 10-09-2023, 12:52 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/16/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Lean 24"
Health4 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 5 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

Fenella listened in silence to his response. At first, his offer to join his pack left a sour taste in her mouth. She had a pack. She had a home. Of course, her home wasn’t here on this island, but she had a home. Why would she join another pack? She took those moments to think of the pros and cons and, being in such a foreign land, it would be wise to be under the protection of a pack, especially if there was only one in this land. Worst case scenario, she could just return to the seas and never return.

Fenella glanced back to the sea behind her and then to the lands that Caedwyn called his home before returning her gaze to him. "I humbly accept your offer," she replied with a polite dip of her head. ”I’m a stranger to these lands and the traditions here, so I wouldn’t dare to be an Advisor. But if I could study, share stories, and make records of the land and culture here as a Historian, I would be happy to also serve as a Caretaker whenever necessary."

As it seemed the agreement would be made, Fenella took a breath and then slowly moved closer to Caedwyn, albeit still a safe distance away. Her paws no longer touched the water, but instead the (mostly) dry sand. If he was a wolf of his word, this would be the first step to checking that it was safe to be in the territory. If this agreement put her even a couple of weeks closer to finding her father’s home island, she wouldn’t regret that decision. Only time would tell if this was the right choice, but for now, she would be open to learning and listening to those that lived in this new land she found herself in.

Walk  "Speak"  Magic
ooc: thanks for your patience! <3
image by LIFAmevil on dA
OOC Date: 10-28-2023, 10:10 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/16/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

Caedwyn was pleased when Fenella accepted his offer. He thought for a moment as she expressed her interest in a few of the duties he had offered her. With a nod, Caedwyn took a step to the side in a relaxed position. "Yes, those both sound fine," he replied. "We will be in need of Historians to keep track of things and Caretakers are always necessary for the young and elderly. These are good choices." Running a Kingdom wasn't all war and conquest. What he said was true: they would need historians to keep track of records for the future and if they couldn't care for the members of the Kingdom, he knew his vision of a united Realm would be a very short-lived one. The she-wolf seemed agreeable enough to the their deal, though he was suppressed she had not taken more time to think it over. But he didn't stop to question it. He had gotten what he wanted: another wolf as part of their Realm.

"The deal is struck," he stated, a little more formally as he looked at Fenella. "Should you need the aid of anyone in our Kingdom, you shall have it. Do your best to provide and care for those around you as well." He let out a small chuff of amusement as a thought occurred to him before he spoke again. "I wish you well in your search for the island, but I'll be a bit disappointed if you are successful - because that would mean your time here will come to an end. But that's a farewell we'll leave for another day." Yes. If she found what she was looking for, he expected she would leave, as they had discussed. Though he doubted she'd ever actually find it. This place had a funny way of keeping creatures here against their will.

"For now, let us part ways. I suspect you'll want to find a place to settle down while you're here, and I have my patrols to return to." Caedwyn gave her a little nod of farewell as he spoke, turning away from her and moving off down the shoreline. "Farewell, Fenella. "

[EXIT - unless Fenella wants to stop him for any reason ]

