The Dark Prince
OOC Date: 09-15-2023, 04:59 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/15/2023  in  Ember Ridge  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 40"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

Paws slid along the hot expanse of the lava fields, the demon was giddy with excitement. He couldn't remember the last time he had set paw within the burning fields of molten magma and fire, he raised his head. Inhaling the overpowering scent of the sulfur and burning brimstone, long tail coiling down as he closed his eyes. Jaws parting as he let out a small stream of smoke, his eyes opened a fraction. The lights of the magma reflected on his coat, turning the black swatch an even darker shade and causing the red upon his back to look ablaze. Skull turning to the left, he felt the weight of his horns cutting through the air. Lifting a paw the massive brute padded to the left, his great skull lowering to align with his spine. The occasional brushing of his horns upon his back gave him some semblance as he walked, allowing his claws to slide from their sheaths in his toes gave him more purchase of the shifting cooled magma from which he tread.

He could hear the lava below him shifting, huffing the male raised his head higher as he broke into a brisk trot than a full-on gallop. Bounding along the lava he tucked his great head towards his breast, the heat from the lava surrounding him called to the fire that burned within. He tossed his head up, releasing great puffs of black smoke from his nostrils. Jaws parting to allow more intake of air, long legs carrying him further along. Veering sharply he headed up, gaze locked onto the lip of the volcano. He would make it his goal to reach there, he wanted to breathe. To feel the fire rushing forth from his jaws, to hear it crackle and hum in the air. Gods how he missed this, the strain of his muscles as he ran. The burning heat of the fire all around him, how he relished in it, how he wanted too badly to see this world burn. With him leading the fires, hearing the screams of those dying to what lay around him. Halfway up he slid to a halt, head thrown back, his horns sliding past his shoulder blades to allow room. Jaws parted to realize the haunting melody that he sang, the howl was low and held a dark note to it. A note that would send shivers down the spines of all who heard it, whether it was a call for blood or other dark desires that were up to whoever dared answer him. His front legs were braced just below his shoulders perfectly, with his back legs held close and his tail flowing down the rock like the magma trails themselves.

OOC Date: 09-16-2023, 09:05 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/15/2023  in  Ember Ridge  —  
Species Male Domestic Dog
Build Teen Average 24"
Health5 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 1
Constitution 2 Stealth 2
Deception 1 Strength 3

Huckleberry had been padding along the slopes surrounding the volcano, flipping over sticks and stones, searching for precious gems. He'd heard that sometimes the volcano spat out such things and they could be found in this area. Curious about all things, Huckleberry didn't stop to question if such a rumor was true and instead had made his way out toward the volcanic lands in a hurry. His golden fur was dulled gray and sooty black, filled with dirt and ash. Everywhere he stepped there was burnt embers and little clouds of ash drifted into the air with each foot-fall. Even the air itself was dirty! Ash fell slowly from the sky above, which was a murky gray color and filled with clouds. It was definitely a dreadful place, but Huckleberry didn't much care. There wasn't too much to look at here, aside from glowing lava that flowed down slowly from the peak of the volcano. And all the ash around made the air quiet. Dreadfully boring. he decided. But still, he trotted along hopefully searching for his trinkets and stones.

A noise rose up through the murky air, drawing Huckleberry's attention away from his travels. A voice. It was a a voice! A howl, in fact. His head popped up and nose tilted upward to see a figure up on a ridge a little higher than he was. A great dark-colored beast of a canine, with two long black horns spouting from his head. What was he doing here? Who was it? Huckleberry definitely had to go check this out. Maybe they'd know where these crystals were that Huck was looking for!

Scrambling along, Huck began making his way higher. He couldn't walk on lava the way the other wolf had done, and instead made his way up the rocky slope. As he haphazardly climbed, his paws sent rocks and dirt tumbling down the hillside below him. He made no attempt to be quiet and the sounds of falling stone surely must have been audible to the other canid. "Hey up there!" Huckleberry called out a greeting joyfully, hoping to get the others attention before losing sight of him. "Wait up! I'm coming." He said it as though the two already knew each other and obviously the male must wait for him to catch up. The terrain certainly was steep around here! He finally found a path of somewhat flat ground and his paws hit the earth hard, sending him into a full-on gallop toward the other. His tongue hung out of his mouth as he came sliding up, skidding to a stop when he'd closed the distance between them. He was panting hard. That little climb had been tougher than it looked.

"Phew." He panted, his voice huffing and puffing. "A nice voice you got there. Whatcha doin out here?"

OOC Date: 09-18-2023, 09:29 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/15/2023  in  Ember Ridge  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 40"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

"Hey up there!" A voice called up to him, his head lowered. The sweep of his horns rose above his body as his head turned to look down at the wolf, no it wasn't a wolf. Some creature closely resembling his kind, paw lifting as he faced the thing. "Wait up! I'm coming." He tilted his head in curiosity as the voice, and the thing grew closer. He bowed his head. Burning orbs streaming flaming wisps from his eyes, a low growl rumbled from his chest. Licking his jaws he waited until the thing was right before him, tall ears swiveling on his skull. What are you? I've never seen a...wolf. Like you before. His great hulking mass stepped forward, the movement caused clouds of ash and small fires to rise. Claws subtly slid from his paws as he leaned down to look at him, taking note of the golden pelt that encased him. The way his ears drooped, he blew a large cloud of black smoke from his nostrils. He felt the air leave his lungs, before inhaling softly. 

He wondered what he was doing here? Well, he was exploring, and looking around. It has been five years since he set paw on a volcano, and felt the intense heat. and wanted it all. Shifting backward he sat down, his long tail curling around his paws. His pupiless orbs watched the male, he wondered how he would sound burning. How his screams would sound, how he smelled as he burned. Clamping down on the urge to light the male ablaze he took to watching him and waiting, faintly he allowed his inner heat to rise. A small ring of fire rose up to wrap around his body, burning below his ankles.


OOC: sorry if this post is short, I'm having a hard time concentrating.
OOC Date: 09-23-2023, 02:42 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/15/2023  in  Ember Ridge  —  
Species Male Domestic Dog
Build Teen Average 24"
Health5 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 1
Constitution 2 Stealth 2
Deception 1 Strength 3
No worries. I'm still getting to know Huck's character too so mine are probably all over the place.

As he drew closer, now Huckleberry could see the little wisps of flame coming from around the other creature's eyes and puffs of smoke came from his nostrils. The beast was truly gigantic in comparison to Huck's own diminutive stature. When the beast spoke, little clouds of ash and smoke came up when he moved. A wolf? "Ha!" Huck gave a hearty laugh, his lips pressing together to let out raspberry-noise as he huffed in pure amusement. "I'm no wolf, mister. I'm a dog..." He said it matter-of-factly, but not in a condescending way. It was more-so that like he was opening an encyclopedia and reading the information within. He stood up a little straighter and wiggled his head back and forth with a proud stance. "The best darned adventuring dog in these parts, if I do say so myself. Did you see how fast I go up these hills? It was like zoom and then I was up here." His tail wagged happily and he jumped around a bit, demonstrating how he had gone from 'there' to 'here' as he spoke. "But I guess someone with big ole legs like yourself has no problem getting around here." He commented, moving in a bit closer to look at the other wolf's stature once more.

He simply had no sense of danger and more importantly - no sense of personal space. He was very, very close to the male now. His nose wiggled, taking in the ashy scent of the volcano as he scanned the male up and down. "I'm Huckleberry, but you can just call me Huck. It's shorter and most find that easier to say. Like 'Huck lets go play in the river' or 'Huck stop chasing the chickens.' ..." He rattled on quickly, hardly giving a breath between words or a pause for interjection. Still, his tail wagged, sending little bits of ashy debris flying out behind him.

"So, what's your name? Do you live here or just exploring like me?" His eyes moved back up to the face of the wolf, his mouth curved upward in a patient smile while he waited for an answer.

OOC Date: 09-23-2023, 02:43 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/15/2023  in  Ember Ridge  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 40"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

So... His name was Huckleberry, an interesting name for a.. dog? Was it, rising to his paws the hulking beast circled the dog. His horned skull leaning close to sniffing at him, silken tail rose to curl around. He was encircling the animal, trapping him. Large waves of heat rolled off him, he felt the fire in his maw curl from between his teeth. Past his jaws, minor licks of flame curiously flowed out to taste. Coming full circle to his face, Naervon rose to his full height. His tail was half curled around the dog, tall audits pricking as a nefarious grin took hold of his jaws. "You will do nicely." He said, his skull tilting to the side. He wouldn't give him his name, no not yet. He had to earn it, should the beast do something that favors him he may deign to give his name but until then no. Claws flexing out from their sheaths in his toes he leaned forward, causing even more heat to roll off his body.

This was something he did, trap a creature in his heat and see how long they can last, before they caved in. He was cruel like that, he would get what he wanted regardless of the cost it did not matter. For this small creature, for everything was small to him. Did not truly matter, his actions did. "Why should I deign you my name, when you have yet to tell me what it is that you want. Seek? It does not matter, for who knows maybe I can help you, with it." The words he spoke were haunting, dark. Like there was something else he was saying but it couldn't quite be said, for that was what he was. A dark and deadly beast, one who was in his element. In his home, for only the volcano could birth such a deadly and dangerous beauty such as he. The way he stood over the dog was like a giant towering over a gnat, imposing, suffocating. With one flick of his ear, he could channel fire up from the lava they stood over and upon, to deal great damage. Than again that was an if, he wanted to see what this pup would do. Make him squirm, a macabre smile painted his lips. 

Yes, he wanted this male for himself. For his bidding, the dog made a grave mistake coming to him. Should he realize this, it will be already too late. He was trapped, snared in a web he did not know he had tread upon. Or that the spider he had unknowingly alerted to, now stood before him. The caccoon of heat that rolled off of Naervon would have become sweltering, it was only then that the poor dog would begin to notice that his paws were starting to burn. Should he notice this and try to alleviate the pain, Naervon would smile even more darkly. For this was only the beginning of his torture.


ooc: Very small and minor magic being used by Nae to try and force Huck to do his bidding, my boy wants a servant and he believes one just plopped down before him
OOC Date: 09-27-2023, 03:29 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/15/2023  in  Ember Ridge  —  
Species Male Domestic Dog
Build Teen Average 24"
Health5 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 1
Constitution 2 Stealth 2
Deception 1 Strength 3

Being of somewhat small stature, Huckleberry was no stranger to encountering beasts and strangers that were larger than him. He paid little mind when the other began to circle him, not so much out of bravery but more-so with disregard, or perhaps naiveté. His tail continued to wag happily, though his body was growing warmer. Was it just the heat rolling off the hills? His mouth gaped open in a heavy pant as he continued to look at the other, awaiting his reply. "You will do nicely." Well what sort of a name was that? Huckleberry cocked his head to the side a bit, his eyebrows wiggling with curiosity. "Why should I deign you my name, when you have yet to tell me what it is that you want. Seek? It does not matter, for who knows maybe I can help you, with it." The stranger's voice was mysterious and his words seemed vague, like he was hinting at something or maybe making a joke that Huckleberry didn't understand. His lips pursed and he stamped his feet a bit. "Well right now I'm looking for some rocks!" he replied quickly, before panting some more. Boy it was hot out here. He could feel a dampness in his coat like sweat. "You know, like minerals and stuff. I was gonna look for that black one. What's it called... ob-sih-dine?"

His words came out in happy huffs and puffs, his hot breath puffing out as he looked around the ground. The strangers tail had curled around behind his legs and in front of him was the other half of the beast. He was in the way. How was Huck supposed to see the rocks with him blocking the view. He wiggled left, then right, shifting his weight between his paws as he poked turned and started poking his head under the strangers tail to see better. "Have you seen anything like that, mister?" he asked again. His tail drooped momentarily from its oblivious wagging as he felt another wave of heat wash over him. "It sure is hot out here though. Hotter than a stagnant bog in summer!"

OOC Date: 09-28-2023, 10:02 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/15/2023  in  Ember Ridge  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 40"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

Ears falling flat against his skull, the male let out a huff of air. Dark smoke blew from his nostrils, was this male this dense, or was he faking it? He bared his teeth at him in a snarl and a low growl rolled from within his chest. "Are you this dense or ar you faking it?" Deciding to voice his thoughts the male narrowed his eyes at him, genuinely unsure if he should keep up this conversation with him. Head bowing slightly he glared at him, how could this male want to look for rocks? So far he hasn't seen any at all, not that he was looking. He was more focused on just traversing the land and finding out what lay here. He truly wondered if this... dog was worth his time.

Obsidian, that was what he was looking for, ear flicking he leaned to look around him. Tail moving out of the way to no longer encircle this creature, instead it smoothly flowed back around him to center his spine. Flexing his claws he moved away, this strange male was something he didn't know if he should be around or not. Backing away he kept his head bowed, he was greatly tempted to just run. And distance himself from this animal, but a small part of him hoped this dog wasn't as dense as he suspected.



ooc: sorry if this is short, been trying to get some muse up lately