[P] the ghost of the boulevard
OOC Date: 07-11-2023, 01:13 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/14/2023  in 

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Lean 28"
Trade (untasked)
Health4 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 5 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts
He stays in his corner for now — the beach is easy-pickings and he takes to combing through it daily for crustaceans that he, slowly, grows bored of picking at. It is a luxury at first; Corentin oft prefers the leaner meals, yet it swiftly shifts into repetition.

Repetition that shatters with the appearance of neighbors that make their boisterous claims known to any in the area. A ragtag bunch of delinquent misfits that seem keen to challenge the new status-quo. Corentin keeps his distance from them. He only travels onto the shoreline when he knows they aren’t around. It helps that they are so loud.

Expression pinched, he’d hoped the morning would make them scarce. Summer is hot and the smarter of animals would take to the shade of the trees. Himself typically, too, but he plays around the plan that they would, at the very least, have common sense.

Alas, he needs to adjust his plans. Common sense isn’t so common anymore.

They linger on the beach, laughing loudly and taunting as they go. Corentin releases a heavy sigh and plops down on his vantage point — carefully wrapped in a tree that is thick enough to support his weight.
table code by sen / artwork by pimsri
OOC Date: 07-11-2023, 05:30 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/14/2023  in 
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya was most certainly getting her miles in, building her muscles and shaving off the extra fat she'd gained from her previously pampered life. At first, her body had ached from the miles and miles of travel over the past months of existing in this realm. Those aches had been shed away since then. Her legs were toned, her lungs exercised, and her body revigorated by the much-needed exercise. Shame on her, she scolded to herself. Shame on her for letting herself get so out of shape. She had let the pampered life of living in a Kingdom soften her. Hell, she had ran away from those coastal wolves before when they had grown angry at her presence, when they had ganged up and chased her off. Shame on her. 

Enya was not a runner. She was a fighter, damnit! She'd spent her whole life practicing, and she'd let herself run away. So, there was a score to settle, and a score she intended to win. If these wolves were going to run her off out of her own lands they had another thing coming to them. She would show them that she was their Queen, that they had a choice. Either join the pack and exist peacefully or contribute as proper members, or join those who she introduced to Tsillah - her goddess of death. Caedwyn had entrusted her with making the decision and she would. She would let them know that dissenters would not be tolerated. 

After filling her belly the night prior with a hearty meal of fish, she awoke the next day to find said wolves, feeling the energy of her meal and the energy from her excitement pulse through her. It had been a while since she'd been in a proper fight. Just thinking about the possibility made her heart beat quicker as she searched, heightened her senses as she sniffed around. When she found the familiar scent trail, her body nearly quivered from the anticipation. This was it. It was just a matter of time now before she found them and launched her attack. 

And, before long, there they were, four wolves doing Tsillah knows what on the beach. Right next to her element of choice. The wicked grin that stretched across her muzzle grew impossibly large as she stepped from the underbrush - largely dwarfed by the other four wolves. Four to one. The odds were not in her favor, but that had never stopped her from a fight before. Her heart hammered in her chest, echoing in her ears, as she stared at them, watching as the four came to realize she was standing there. 

"I thought we told you to scat, bitch. You're not welcome here." A gray and white wolf spoke up - not the largest of the bunch but clearly the leader of the small party. Brothers, she assumed, based on how similar each of their coats looked to one another. The remaining three rumbled growls behind him, fur standing on edge. 

Enya herself stood tall - as tall as she could anyways - and bristled her own fur. She grinned a wicked grin, her tail flagging high behind her, nearly curling over her back. It was a well known assertion of dominance, a display that said 'I don't give a fuck what you think' to them. "You four have one chance. Back down and respect your Queen, or meet your fate." 

They laughed at her. 

The fight broke out in a split second, the four males launching their selves at the single female who stood her ground. Their bodies tangled with hers and furious snaps and yelps and snarls erupted from the chaos. One male dropped dead immediately on the ground - quite literally boiled from within. The other three continued in their pursuit, chewing and ripping at Enya and tearing nasty rips into her skin. The ocean waves licking against the shore in the distance rose up impossibly high, then crashed against the shore, breaking apart the scuffle and washing the three males away from Enya's standing and splayed body. She panted hard as she grinned, watching the three wolves be pushed towards the very shrub-line she had came from. Blood dripped down all parts of her body. Fuck, she wished she could find her healing magic within her. It had been so long since she'd fought, longer yet since she'd had to heal herself at all. Had she lost her magic, due to lack of use? 

She couldn't be distracted with that right now. 

Surprisingly, the three males ignored the death of one of their comrades and charged at her once more.  Enya panted from the scuffle, feeling her water magic wane. Apparently, she'd let that part of her grow lazy as well. Perhaps she'd bitten off more than she could chew in her confidence. Their leader leapt forward, tearing at her neck and face. She recoiled and seized control of his body with the last bit of magic she could muster, freezing him quite literally in place. With her eyes glowing, she commanded his body to her will, turning him away from her and towards his own companions. There he leapt, throwing himself at his own brother and knocking them both down to the ground. Enya seized the moment to grab the leader by the throat, holding him there and resisting the urge to execute the wolf right then and there. 

Being merciless wasn't the answer. It wasn't the right way to rule. She'd already killed one of them. She didn't need to kill the rest of them - especially not the leader. Seeing him grabbed, the remaining two paused their attack. There was a momentary lull in the action, the wolf in Enya's jaws gasping and pleading for her not to finish him. Enya dropped his neck and stepped backwards, fighting to remain on her feet as the blood loss started to make her head swim. Her chest and belly had been sliced and torn. Her legs had been bitten and ripped. A piece of flesh at her nape was dangling where a solid bite had torn her skin. Her haunch was so ripped and torn, it was hard to see her own pelt color through the crimson that coated it, clumping her short fur. One of her eyes was shut closed to keep blood from dripping into it, a gash stretching down her brow. "Take your fallen comrade and give him a proper rest. Remember the mercy of your leader. When you've recovered, come find me again and I'll give you all proper tasks in the pack. We need strong wolves to guard those who cannot defend their selves, and you've each proved yourselves worthy."  

They nodded at her, their leader getting to his feet, and the group moved towards their fallen brother. She, herself, moved away from them to let them grieve. She limped as she walked, doing her best to make her way out of their sight with as much dignity as she could muster. Then, once she was sure they could no longer see her, once she was sure they would not hear her, Enya collapsed from her wounds under the shelter of a tree. 


text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac