(AW)The Darkness in me
OOC Date: 11-01-2023, 04:26 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 11/01/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Youth Lean 32"
Trade ---
Health8 Dexterity
Arcana 2 Medicine
Charisma 4 Perception
Constitution 2 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts
(Night - windy)

The night brought darkness and a death silence to the rolling hills, yet there was not complete stillness. Small lights flew around, orbs of glowing light. Souls, souls of the departed creatures. For most, they were invisible, seen as illusions. But a particular wolf had those kinds of eyes that allowed someone to be able to see what existed beyond the veil of the living. As cold, pale eyes traveled through the dark, the souls and other beings seemed to find her intriguing and thus danced around her. Yet her expression remained blank of any reaction towards such events.

There she spotted the carcass of a dead rabbit, probably killed by something else. She approached to see it's soul starting to leave the tinny body. She closed her eyes. "Farewell," She said as she reached a dark-colored paw at it, having the soul rest on her paw, and if someone who didnt know of her abilities might look as if she was simply lifting the air. 


code by shaz - line art colored by Shaz
OOC Date: 11-02-2023, 06:51 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 11/01/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 4
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 4 Strength 1
linked accounts

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

The beauty of the plains had kept him locked in near-trance the past few days. Not literally, of course, but for some strange reason, the canid had felt like he couldn’t leave. He had watched the sun rise and set several times, setting the sky ablaze in fire before it was devoured by the horizon. Once again the night had taken hold. A comforting blackness wrapped around him like a blanket and the stars twinkled above in an extraordinary display. It felt like home…. But why? Why was the darkness so comforting in a way it shouldn’t be?

He understood many creatures liked the dark, the night. It held a mystical charm that just couldn’t be captured during daylight hours. Yet that magical feeling wasn’t what he was so enthralled with. It felt nostalgic - like some long-lost life, he had forgotten. It made him wonder.  Since he had learned his mother had found him washed up by the sea as a mere pup, he had purposely tried not to think further about it. The thought of where he had actually come from only brought him pain - but it was becoming harder and harder to push those questions away the longer time went on. They were a part of him and there was just no escaping it.

He’d gaze up to the moon, azure eyes fixated on her brilliant glow. It was comforting, and calming, she eased the heartache that had been welling up inside, reminding him that he was okay, and he was safe here in the realm. However, there was a sort of sorrow that came with it as well. The somber feeling that fate had taken some unexpected turn and that he would never truly feel at home again.

At first, it seemed quite natural he could communicate with the moon like this. Yet as he thought about it over and over in his head, it felt a bit strange. What would others think? That he was crazy…?  Probably. Perhaps... Maybe he was.

Growing up in his old pack of Athadia, Eon had stood by the fact that there were no gods - that each individual soul was in charge of their own destiny. Yet, after he had lost everything he had known, watching his pack slowly become trapped as stone statues - that belief had slowly faded. Suddenly, fate played a big part in his decisions. Fate is what had brought him to the realm, and brought him to Enya where he’d find a new home in the kingdom… Fate was important, there was no doubt of that fact - but the thought of specific deities guiding said fate was another can of worms. Still, as he gazed hypnotized by the moon, he felt more and more like perhaps there was really someone looking over him, guiding him, and the more time went on, the more he wished to get to know her.

He was so enthralled in the moon's glow that he almost didn’t notice the scent of another canid not too far away. The wind blew in his direction and he caught an unmistakable whiff. Suddenly his gaze shot from the sky to across the plains - had someone been watching him this whole time?

Thankfully, they were downwind, and by the looks of it, didn’t seem to notice him, not yet anyway.  Eon was a curious creature - perhaps not the best trait to have, but it was a trait that defined him and many of the decisions he made.  He couldn’t help himself as he pawed his way closer to the stranger to get a look at exactly what they were doing… holding the air?  Perhaps he wasn’t the crazy one after all. Though, he wasn’t the type to voice that. There was probably some reason about it he just didn’t understand just yet.

It was then he noticed the rabbit - recently killed. Eon assumed the stranger had just caught it to snack on, though the more he watched the more it seemed the stranger was disinterested in eating it.  It reminded him that it had been a bit since he had eaten himself, and just on queue, his stomach gave a low growl.  Finally, Eon decided to bark in the stranger's direction. “You gonna eat that?” if the stranger didn’t notice him before, they certainly would notice him now.