BWP: The Light of Felis
OOC Date: 09-12-2023, 09:22 PM

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength

BWP: The Light of Felis

Inhabitants of the Realm begin to notice a light growing brighter and brighter in the sky: A new star has emerged in the sky! It shines brighter than the rest with an orangish-red color. Even in the daytime hours the star is visible now. What does this light mean and why has it appeared? Rumors quickly begin to spread that this is a sign from the Cat-like God, Felis. The mystical being, Felis, has summoned his magical energy and lifted a veil within the Realm. Many types of cat-like creatures begin to appear in the Realm. But these are no ordinary felines... they have intelligence and magic and language, the same as the canines of the Realm. Soon it is discovered that some feline-beings have even been in the Realm for many years, hidden by some sort of magical energy the kept canines and felines from communicating. But all that has changed! What future awaits when these creatures come together. Will a new life of prosperity unfold? Or destruction?

Plot Summary:

A star can be seen shining in the sky through the month of September. Characters begin to discover that Felines, Canines, and Hyenas now inhabit the Realm. All of these beings have a shared language, intelligence, and magic. Feel free to do threads related to the plot or to make a character from one of our new playable species.