Impatience doesn't mix with injuries
OOC Date: 12-14-2023, 12:51 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/15/2023  in 
Species Nonbinary Red Fox
Build Teen Lean 15"
Health6 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 2 Strength 1
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Dos listened to Elcid’s advice with a happy but alert smile, prancing happily from the little den after her friend. She followed her gaze north as she listened, She could totally find tracks - she found tracks all the time!

Okay! Nothing will get past me,” Dos agreed readily, curling her tail a little with delight. Here it was a true quest!

She fell into step behind her friend immediately, at first a little clumsy. Admittedly, Dos rarely shifted into bigger animals with her power, more frequently becoming something that was easier to hide with, like a sparrow or a butterfly to keep herself out of enemy jaws. It was strange having so much height and such large paws, but she was quickly getting the hang of it, adjusting to her longer stride and heavier body. She scanned around the woods, sniffing periodically for anyone approaching; taking her job as ‘lookout’ very seriously.

She was so focused on not letting anything creep up on them that the transformed fox nearly walked nose-first into her friend’s tail, quickly skidding to a halt before she could bump Elcid. Luckily, the blue wolf clarified her intentions before Dos could ask questions, allowing the fox to give a determined nod, and she put her nose to the ground.

She flicked her paw a little when the mud oozed through her toes, sniffing carefully for any ‘pig’ tracks.

”Look!” she whispered loudly, using her nose to point towards churned up mud. She wasn’t completely sure what she smelled was boar, given she hadn’t made it a habit to hunt them, but she could see some hoof prints around the edge. She only knew of so many creatures that it could possibly be. If it was a deer, then maybe they could hunt that instead? It would be fun either way - the little vixen never got to hunt such large creatures!


Table by Aon