Adoptable- Maliha's Sister(s)
OOC Date: 08-03-2023, 06:32 PM

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Maliha's sister, or two sisters if there's enough interest, are open for adoption! Possible design options are WIP. 

Three Divided Kingdoms

Mali originates from a world divided into three kingdoms; the foxes, the wolves, and the coyotes. On the outer ridges in no man's land lies interspecies groups. Hybrids can be found here and only here.

Kingdom of Elavantaz

Within the kingdom of the foxes, there are several towns outside of the castle walls and a few within. Outside towns are mostly common folk, farmers, merchants, artisans, and more. A single noble family is required to live within each town, however, the closer you get to the castle walls the more frequented by Nobles they become. Within the Walls, you will only find towns of Noble families and their servants aside from the markets in between. Closest to the Castle are the king and queen’s court, the highest members of rank live here. They surround the castle with elegant buildings and a flourishing market- heavily guarded.

Town of Ecadia

On the far reaches of Elavantaz a large farming town flourishes with abundant crops. There, the noble’s family is blessed with children from their servant, Ingrid, who are to be raised as nobles. Their adoptive parents, unable to have their own children, hired Ingrid to conceive with a man of her choosing and give up rights to the pups. The girls born from said pairing are stunningly beautiful. Word of the children vastly spreads throughout the countryside. The Nobles who raised them grew to see the girls as mere possessions; able to be used to increase their status. They were put on display during parties, and expected to behave with a high level of etiquette. Taught to behave in a manner most pleasing to their guests. With time the Noble family effectively moved closer and closer to the city. The charming daughters making way their path.

Town of Eloise

Resting along the tall walls that surround the Castle Towns is Eloise, a pillar of strength. Here the highest of outside nobles reside with Knights. By the time they are a year old the girl’s charm has brought their family to here where their beauty is sought out by many. Suitors are rapidly declined by the Noble parents’ strict standards. Over time they are treated more and more like possessions, forced into beautification treatments, and never doing work deemed damaging to their status. They are expected to study only in matters deemed acceptable of a high Noble woman, and gruelingly so. 

A Jealous queen

Word of the sister’s beauty reaches inside the castle walls. Towns become lit with enthusiasm and rumors. They meet the Royal’s courts and spread within. Once upon the Queen’s ears herself she is fueled by envy. Fearful of losing her own status, and her king’s adoration, she seeks out the girls. She purchases them from their Noble family and sends them out to no man's land where she pays a Coywolf to “dispose of them as you see fit.” 

Canyon Falls

Land of the banished. Gouged from the ground is an ominous black pit, surrounded by cascading falls. Bedtime stories speak of it being a portal to other dimensions. A tale of lovers jumping to their deaths known to all the Kingdoms. Folklore of another kingdom existing just beyond the darkness. The coywolf brings the girls here and commands them to jump, smiling, “Be free of your curse”.

A New World

What had he meant? Be free of your curse? Maliah free fell into the darkness and expected death to meet her at the bottom. Instead, there was a bright light and she found herself battling against raging waters.
OOC Date: 08-07-2023, 01:21 AM

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Hello! I'm intrigued and I have some ideas already:
  • Highly destructive magic to contrast Maliha's healing magics. Also reflective of the anger she's had at her own situation her entire life, but couldn't/didn't act on
  • Alternatively, spells like reclaimation, mimic, and morph, reflective of the fact she doesn't want to be herself and that she never had anything wholly HERS, being an object to be owned and not her own self
  • The sister herself being aggressive, crude, and a dramatic contrast to Maliha. Has the energy of some kid or teen realizing for the first time they can do stuff without their parents knowing. Reckless and childish in behavior with an underlying shame and apprehension because all of this was exactly what she was taught NOT to do.
  • Pretty smart despite the prior mentioned behavior. I image she'd gobble up whatever kinds of books and knowledge she could get ahold of even if it wasn't 'suitable' for her, because reading and studying were one of the few things deemed 'safe' enough for her to do without potentially damaging her appearance. But this is all BOOK smarts, she doesn't have any experience or street-smarts. Intelligence vs wisdom, using DND logic.
  • Extreme rejection of femininity that slowly falls back as she deals with her own internal baggage with the subject. Never going to be as hyperfeminine as her sister but there's certain parts she of it refuses to admit she likes. It's highly likely this character will become trans/nonbinary, but I'm not 100% sure if that'll actually happen. She might just decide she's a woman, just in all the ways they DON'T want her to be.
  • Extremely attached to her sister, because she knows EXACTLY what she went through since they both went through it at the same time. At the same time she wants to get away from her sister, thinking of Maliha's commitment to elegance being an attachment to all the things she absolutely despises. Arguements galore, most likely.
  • Not set on a name, but potential ones being Ayaru, Hitomi, Husna, Kallisto, Marikit, or Puanani. All of these names have various meanings relating to beauty, at least according to behind the name dot com.

And some questions: Did you want them to emerge into the realm near each other, or significantly far away and have to search for each other to eventually reunite? And did the nobles who raised them have names? They're never mentioned by name but they'd also be a pretty big role in both sister's lives. Also, I assume I have free reign on her backstory as long as it fits with Maliha's?  @Wildflower
OOC Date: 10-12-2023, 08:01 PM

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Ooooh I love this if you're still interested!!! So many potentials. I do like the idea of maybe a warrior. To tie in "she might just decide she's a woman, just in all the ways they DON'T want her to be." Regardless love the concept!

I have a thread that a sister may choose to jump in still since it's only a few posts in, or they can enter the realm in another location. Such is up to you! As for the Nobles, I hadn't thought to name them but names would be great. Yes, free reign so long as it fits in with everything. I have some possible looks or you can go in a different direction so long as there are some similarities between the two.