[AW] Much To Learn, More To See
OOC Date: 07-18-2023, 05:09 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/06/2023  in  Frosted Tundra  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 37"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 3 Medicine 4
Charisma 4 Perception 1
Constitution 1 Stealth 1
Deception 3 Strength 1

Arriving here almost felt like going home. The northern snow, pine and spruce trees, evergreen plants and all the native flora and fauna - it was all familiar to her, all pleasant. The chill of the mountains cooled her entire body, and she had a light layering of snow from a recently passed snowfall coating her fur.

Gabriel was not too far off, far she couldn't hear or smell him anymore, but she knew he was still exploring the mountains like she was. In the days since their arrival, they had both discovered that each held their own uniqur magic, and they practiced it often. As well, they had come across many species of fauna and flora not familiar to either of them. Some seemed rather normal by design, others were fantastical.

She spotted one such odd creature now, far off in the distance and farther down the mountain. It had white, bushy fur so long that its eyes were covered. Small horns poked out through the fur on its head. It walked on its backpaws and carried a large branch in one meaty hand, similar to that of the primates she'd seen. There was only peach fuzz around its hands and feet, and she wondered what kind of anatomy allowed its extremities to not freeze off. ¹

Continuing her exploration, Ceartas tried to mimic the appearance of its hands. She managed to shorten the length of fur on her left forepaw, and increase its size, but it seemed harder to morph into creatures whose designs she was not entirely familiar with. She decided to move on.

Eventually she discovered another odd thing... before her was an object many feet taller and wider than she. It had a rectangular shape, the edges rimmed in some sort of black rock she'd never seen before. Within this border was a transparent teal layer of something magical. It made everything behind it take on a cloudy, teal-tint.² Next to this rectangle thing was a refined piece of flat wood kept upright by a refined, very straight branch.³ Interestingly enough, there were symbols on the flat wood that, upon viewing, she could somehow understand. It said:


So this is Glacier Mountains? Curious about the box before her, she picked up a snow-covered rock between her teeth and threw it at the teal glow. As soon as it made contact, it disappeared. Ceartas walked around it on the other side, discovering the rock was not on the ground. She threw another rock in, and it did the same thing. One last test, one last rock. Where are the rocks going?

¹The creature is a Yeti
²She is describing a portal
³This is a wooden sign