A river valley between two mountain ranges. A powerful river flows through rocky terrain, creating strong currents and dangerous rapids. Precious gold ore can be found in the river for those brave enough. The forests surrounding abound with life.
[RO] [Verdantis] Putting Things in Order
OOC Date: 12-10-2024, 06:06 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 11/18/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 46"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 2
Constitution 5 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 5

After the claim, Gabriel had set right to work on making sure the border scent was as strong as ever, giving Dos time to send out invitation letters, and setting up his new den. He had ideas and plans in mind, and it would be best to have an official meeting rather than send it all by mail.

When the day came, Gabriel sent out a summoning howl. The day was cold but the sun shined brightly, so he held the meeting closer to the river, where the trees overhead were thinner and allowed the warmth of the sunlight to come through. Once the people had arrived and settled in, Gabriel would start. His head was held high, twin tails even with his spine.

"willkommen, everyone. Vor those still unaware, my name is Gabriel Richter. In the vake of Quinnat's absence, I have taken the mantle of leadership and remain as sole leader of Verdantis. Spread ze vord of this meeting to all members who could not join us today. I hope my accent is easy enough to understand," with that out of the way, he would begin.

"as leader, I shall continue ze goals of those who came before me: spreading ze vord and teachings of Ohr, and upholding ze values of loyalty, compassion, and ze pursuit of knowledge. Ve are a community zat helps those in need, even vhen others may have abandoned zem, and zis shared kindness is chat vill help ze vill, ze strength of life and ourselves thrive. If ve help each other out, ve can all become higher.

"Vith zat said, I encourage anyone willing to help out vith a project I have. As autumn grows stronger and vinter grows near, I know everyone is feeling ze changes in our food supplies, in our resources. Ve must vork together to ensure zat ze cold season does not sig-ni-fi-cant-ly impact us, especially ze more vulnerable of us. Ve vill need to vatch ze herds closer, prepare pelts for our dens, and stock up. I vill personally host a big game hunt soon.

"As well, I vould like to promote a certain someone,"
he would turn to Urna, a smile on his face, "Urna has proven herself to be a capable warrior and an adept fighter, vith the passion and drive to protect Verdantis from zose who have chosen the darkness over Ohr's light. Vrom now on, she vill be considered a Knight of Verdantis," at that, he would give her a bow, expecting those gathered to do the same. Turning back to address the crowd, "be on the lookout for Quinnat. I am unsure vhat happened to him, but he is still velcomed in Verdantis, and he is still vamily. If anything has befallen him, I vant to know about it. But keep ze mystery of his absence between only Verdantis members. Ze last zing ve need is Duskorna zinking ve are more veak than they already do," his pelt would twitch at the thought, remembering all too well Shifty's quick shifting of allegiance, the Duskorna monarchs bold trespassing, regardless of her reasoning. He wonders if his spikes gave the hyne a a scar.

"should anyone vish to discuss zeirs own rank, please meet vith me privately. And if anyone has any additional questions or concerns, you may speak up now or speak vith me privately. Otherwise, zis meeting is complete." he would stay around longer, in case anyone had anything else to say.

If anyone has any questions or small concerns, feel free to DM me on Discord, or we can make an IC thread if you think it's something worth roleplaying about! All Verdantis members will know of this knowledge by either word of mouth or from directly attending.