We strongly encourage characters to participate in the religious aspects of our plotline.
Embracing our plot creates a more engaging game-world in which characters can grow and create plots. Our plot heavily relies on characters following one of our two main deities. Deities, demigods, and other supernatural beings exist throughout our game world. Players are free to use these beings for plots or to enhance their character storyline, so long as it does not unfairly impact another player.

The two main deities central to our game are Tsillah and Ohr.


    Tsillah, Goddess of Death and Rebirth, holds sway over the delicate balance between mortality and eternity. With a stern gaze and unwavering resolve, she administers her divine trials to mortals, testing their mettle using strife and hardship. Tsillah challenges mortals to prove their worthiness through acts of courage, intelligence, and perseverance. Those who face her trials with valor and resilience earn the chance for rebirth, their souls cleansed and renewed by the fires of divine judgment. However, for those deemed unworthy, Tsillah's judgment is swift and unforgiving. Upon their passing, she confronts them in the realm beyond, demanding they prove their worth in combat or risk eternal oblivion as she devours their essence. Tsillah serves as both judge and redeemer. Mortals look to Tsillah with a mixture of fear and reverence, knowing that her divine judgment holds the key to their ultimate fate.

    • Common Forms & Symbology:
      Tsillah, the enigmatic Goddess of Death and Rebirth, is often depicted in the forms of the hyena and crocodile, creatures that embody aspects of cunning, ferocity, and adaptability. Darkness and bones are symbols frequently associated with her domain, representing the mysteries of the afterlife and the inevitability of mortality.

    • Negative Stereotypes:
      Misunderstood by many, Tsillah and her followers are often unfairly characterized as bloodthirsty and merciless. Some perceive her as a deity solely of death and chaos, failing to recognize the profound significance of her role in the cycle of life and rebirth. It is believed by some that Tsillah's consumption of souls leads to the destruction of the divine Will, as those souls are denied the opportunity for rebirth and renewal. Yet, beneath these misconceptions lies a deeper truth, one that speaks to the delicate balance between life and death, creation and destruction, that Tsillah embodies.


    Ohr, God of Life and Protection, stands as a steadfast beacon of hope and resilience. With boundless compassion, he bestows upon mortals the gifts of life, wisdom, and enduring protection. Ohr champions the virtues of knowledge and compassion, urging his followers to seek enlightenment and to stand as defenders of those in need. Through his teachings, he instills in his devotees the importance of kinship, loyalty, and the sacred duty to shield others from harm. Above all, Ohr values the intrinsic worth of all beings who carry within them a fragment of the divine Will. Regardless of their rank or origin, Ohr embraces all mortals, recognizing the spark of Will that resides within each soul. Mortals turn to Ohr for guidance and solace, finding strength in his divine protection and compassion and trust Ohr to guide them towards a future of hope and prosperity.

    • Common Forms & Symbology:
      Ohr, the revered God of Life and Protection, is often depicted in the forms of the lion and stag, majestic creatures that embody strength, courage, and vitality. Light and plants are symbols frequently associated with his domain, representing growth, enlightenment, and the nurturing embrace of nature.

    • Negative Stereotypes:
      Misconceptions cloud the true nature of Ohr and his followers. Some dismiss them as weak-willed, failing to recognize the strength and resilience that Ohr instills in his devotees. Others perceive Ohr's followers as aloof and overly focused on knowledge, criticizing them for their perceived lack of action in times of need. Such detractors claim that these followers are unworthy to face Tsillah in the afterlife, lacking the resolve to do what is necessary to prevent Akrasia. Yet, beneath these misunderstandings lies a deeper truth: Ohr and his followers embody a profound commitment to nurturing life, protecting the vulnerable, and fostering the bonds of kinship and loyalty that sustain the world in its darkest hours.