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[P] Lost and Found IC Date: 03/01/2025 Sentinel Stones
Species Male Other Feline
Build Adult Lean 13"
Health2 Dexterity3
Arcana3 Medicine1
Charisma3 Perception4
Constitution2 Stealth5
Deception1 Strength1
Movement caught his attention along the bank, and the little cat's gaze snapped beneath the boughs of a spindly, naked tree where standing stark against the ivory snow was a tiny, dark figure creeping towards the water. A momentary fear flashed through his heart as his nostrils flared, catching the scent of preyblood before he spotted the scrawny squirrel laying limp where the figure had recently pounced. He nearly didn't recognize the little shape as a wolf, catching her scent along the faint breeze as he squinted and adjusted his eyes to the darkness of her scruffy pelt with visible surprise. It was another kit, like the one he'd seen previous further east! Unlike the last however, this was a considerably smaller one, lacking the marbled patterns and wings that the first he'd met had. Thoughts of the previous kit he'd met sent a pang of guilt through him; Delta could only hope she was alright, wherever she was now. Would this kit simply vanish like she had? Where they some sort of trial from Tsillah? Where were were these wolf kits coming from? He swallowed thickly, a familiar fear creeping over him as he cast his gaze up and down the snowy banks for any sight of predators. Despite the strange circumstances, he couldn't just leave the poor thing--it was the dead of winter and she still had kitten-fluff behind her ears! "Kit?" Delta hesitantly garbled out, voice hoarse from disuse as he forced the remaining water from his throat, "ah--are you al--alright?" cautiously, still wary that this may be some sort of cruel trap, Delta made his way closer to the bank with only his head sticking above the inky water. As he grew closer he noticed just how thin the little kit was, and how their scruffy pelt parted with worrying scars. Pity flooded his gaze at the sight, but he stopped his approach where ice clustered in the river's shallows and left a narrow strip between himself and the land. He wouldn't leave the water yet, hooking his claws into the edge of the ice so he could float safely several taillengths away from the kit and speak easier. Again, he looked up and down the banks, partly in fear of any ambush and partly due to the strange coincidence of finding yet another kit away from its family. Were they nearby, perhaps? "Is your mother near?"
[P] Lost and Found IC Date: 03/01/2025 Sentinel Stones
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Youth Lean 10"
Health5 Dexterity5
Arcana1 Medicine1
Charisma1 Perception1
Constitution4 Stealth1
Deception1 Strength5
    It seemed a rarity these days that Cinders was not hunting, in no small part because she hunted such small game, and while another pup might conclude that surviving on their own was not feasible.....that pup would not be Cinders. Skulking through the lands, often sticking to tree lines, for every day she survived alone she would get stronger....and so long as she got stronger she would survive and her families memory would live on. For something like that.....Cinders could afford to be a little stubborn. Perseverance pays off, even in the chill of winter, as Cinders manages to snatch a squirrel willing to brave the frozen grounds. She's merciless in seizing upon it, leaping upon it with her considerable weight as her jaws clamp down on it's neck, and if not for some splashing nearby she would have dug into her hard won meal right then and there. Instead she pads over to the river, watching the sight of what emerges curiously, because in her young life she's never seen a thing like that before!    
[P] Lost and Found IC Date: 03/01/2025 Sentinel Stones
Species Male Other Feline
Build Adult Lean 13"
Health2 Dexterity3
Arcana3 Medicine1
Charisma3 Perception4
Constitution2 Stealth5
Deception1 Strength1
The mountains here were strange, far stranger he thought than those he'd glimpsed further north. Even blanketed by snow, the little cat found that they looked like fangs jutting up from the earth, like the jaw of some great beast had been split and buried across the land. Delta shuddered at the thought, tearing his gaze away from the strange orange stone and looking instead at the tangled, naked branches hanging above the river. He'd seen a few round little birds bobbing up and down there earlier, something he'd hoped to be a sign of spring's approach, but to his disappointment they'd left shortly after he'd come to watch. Disappointing. Initially, Delta had welcomed the winter. The snow had been novel and fun to bat at, and he'd even dragged himself out onto the bank to roll around in it if he was sure no predators were lurking nearby. A majority of the rivers had frozen over as well, meaning Delta didn't have to worry about anything hunting him from above the water. Things had been cold and dark and safe, he could let his guard down and follow the currents where he pleased. Food was not an issue either, with the fish slow and sluggish from the winter chill--it had been perfect. At least, at first it had. Delta had left the ocean because he was alone. In the freshwater, even if he didn't speak to the creatures he saw prowling the banks, he could stick his head above the water and know he wasn't alone. He'd met so many interesting faces in his short time following the rivers, he didn't realize how much he'd miss it once the ice kept him from surfacing again.  Here in the west, the river widened and quickened to flow out into the open ocean, breaking the ice into thick chunks which bobbed in the brackish water for which Delta was named after. Finally able to poke his head above the water again, he sprayed the water from his nostrils and sucked in a breath of salty, cold air and stared out into the snowy hills. It was a pretty sight, even with the strange mountains jutting up around him. He opened his mouth and exhaled just to watch his breath cloud in the frigid air, stretching out his lungs after weeks of breathing nothing but water.
[P] I Just Need Your Wool IC Date: 12/26/2024 Blossom Bower
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Chubby 48"
Health8 Dexterity1
Arcana1 Medicine1
Charisma1 Perception2
Constitution4 Stealth1
Deception2 Strength4
Ida couldn't help the shit-eating little smirk that curled her jowls at Solrentorro's obvious frustration, not bothering to acknowledge his correction as she leaned back and sat heavily against the snow. Her brow quirked at his bragging, not yet believing his claims of grand magic and architectural prowess as she forced her body to remain relaxed even as he strode closer to demonstrate. Building wasn't a thing many wolves did back home, and those that did focused their efforts on the structures made by those that had come before them. No one really knew who'd first built things such as castles or barns, only that sharp minds and strong bodies were needed in multitudes to maintain upkeep. It was surprising then that the lion's magic returned in the form of a structure of his own. A tiny one, but intricate in design--more decorative than any Ida had known of in her previous lands. To her, castles were supposed to be protection, not artwork. Although she was undoubtably impressed, she eyed the display with a furrowed brow and rasped her tongue around bloodied chops. She pricked her ears at his words and snorted, raising a paw and carefully sticking a claw between one of the model's many holes. Windows, she recalled. Either to be filled with glass or left barren--either way, an easy point of weakness. "Ah know what 'uh castle is," she rumbled. She wrinkled her muzzle, contemplating whether or not to compliment the lion on his admittedly impressive work. He has a big enough head already, she thought with some amusement. "It's...interestin'. Too open." Ida thought of the castles that had been described to her; she'd never caught a glimpse with her own eyes, but she'd met wolves that had. A few of which were lucky enough to know the earth like the backs of their paws, and could drag their claws through the soil to draw their haunting outlines.  "Unless yer wantin' tuh die, raise th' windows higher than 'uh vertical jump, or make 'em narrower than yer shoulders. Wall'll be uh plus 'round th' perimeter--possibly raise th' base n' mash any clay with blood. Keeps it from crumblin," As she spoke, she dragged harsh lines through the soil around the castle, boxing it in and clawing crude circles into the earth where each corner formed for towers. "Needs uh solid point uh defense n' reinforcements--tunnels maybe. Yuh got n' eye for delicacy. Yer magic is impressive, ah'll admit. But there's always somethin' stronger--n' here ain't no place fer art if yer dead," her muzzle crinkled with with a low, rueful chuckle. Still, despite her critiques of it, the great dog eyed the model with obvious interest. She didn't think it couldn't work, after all. It just needed adjustments--something she would be around to provide. Her attention turned back to Aguipua as he questioned her, and she huffed.  "Ah did," she answered, and briefly considered not repeating it just to know his response. She stayed quiet for a moment, but decided then that she liked the spikey feline enough to not shut down his politeness entirely. "It's Ida. Yuh got any input on th' building? Been told yer th' advisor after all."
[P] Water Wonderland IC Date: 01/31/2025 Great Falls
Species Male Other Feline
Build Adult Lean 13"
Health2 Dexterity3
Arcana3 Medicine1
Charisma3 Perception4
Constitution2 Stealth5
Deception1 Strength1
The little cat nodded quickly, relieved that Saira could understand his dilemma as he slowly unpinned himself from the stone floor. Her newly finned tail rippled behind her as she flipped to float upside down, and his eyes were drawn to the familiar shape as he watched her adjust. Logically, he knew that it wasn't a real part of her--or at least one she'd live with normally, but even if it looked different to the fins he'd seen on his own peers, seeing her with it gave him a sad sense of comfort. She really was the closest thing he'd met to his species, whatever his species really was considering how different cats seemed to be on land. Delta gave the great tigress a small smile as she accepted his apology, and a fresh interest glittered in his eyes as his gaze snapped to follow the seagrass she'd begun batting at again. He paused, expression conflicted as he weighed the option of having to leave his burrow, but... ...well, she'd accepted his apology, and even in her more frightening form she'd made no move to attack him. Carefully he crept out from under the rocks and unfurled his fins from where they hugged against his sides, sliding across the dark lakebed with a slow wave of his tail as he approached the much larger cat and her toy. It fluttered tantalizingly in the water, and he looked back and forth between it and Saira before nodding again, hoping the trembling of his paws wasn't as apparent to her as it was to himself. "Okay," he meowed softly, and suddenly he was off. His fins slammed down as he kicked off the mud, sending a dark cloud of sediment spraying around him as he lunged forwards and snapped the grass between his jaws. He pumped his tail and cut down through the water until his paws touched the lakebed again, alternating between hops and glides to quickly dart away through the lake as nervous excitement channeled itself into adrenaline. He almost didn't want to look behind him, knowing that while he was inviting the tigress to chase him, he didn't know if his heart could take actually seeing her lunging after him.  Delta squeezed his eyes shut and reared back, letting go of the plant and smacking it up towards the surface with a forceful swipe of his tail as he swiveled and dropped back to the lakebed.
[P] Water Wonderland IC Date: 01/31/2025 Great Falls
Species Female Tiger
Build Adult Brawny 37"
Health10 Dexterity1
Arcana1 Medicine1
Charisma1 Perception1
Constitution3 Stealth3
Deception1 Strength3

Ah, the strange creature had finally stopped bristling at her - good. She was starting to wonder if the comment he made on her ferocity had in fact, been sarcasm based rather than a true appreciation for her noble form given the continuous efforts toward posturing. Her mother had done that when she was very young, pretending to be more frightened than she was to encourage Saira's roar and efforts toward stalking and it would be rather insulting to discover this other creature felt the need to encourage her in the same way.

"I see," Saira notes, twisting lightly in the water with a slow swish of her long tail. "Well if you are truly not a sea-dragon… such caution is reasonable. A new, large predator should always be regarded with care."

Though such a fact was a rarity for Saira herself - she had yet to come across something she would deem 'a new predator' or new enough to warrant such open hostility. Although… wouldn't such a display of hissing and growling set off something bigger? Maybe River Delta had another skill hidden under his fur on the off-chance that a predator is as unconvinced by his aggressive display as Saira had been and deemed pursuing him worth the effort. A massive sea-beast of some sort, more familiar to what he was used to.

She flipped to look at him properly in the wake of a proper apology, her tail rippling slowly left to right and she floated on her back this time, peering up at him from brilliant green eyes as she hooked the sea-grass she'd been playing with before.

"I accept your apology River Delta," declared, flicking the sea-grass over her head to bob lightly in the water. If he wasn't a sea-dragon and he didn't know what he was (he just looked 'like this?' she supposes she just 'looked stripey' then) there was no point in pestering him for answers about sea-life. Not when there was a perfectly good game of keep-away that could be achieved instead. "Wanna play?"

[P] Water Wonderland IC Date: 01/31/2025 Great Falls
Species Male Other Feline
Build Adult Lean 13"
Health2 Dexterity3
Arcana3 Medicine1
Charisma3 Perception4
Constitution2 Stealth5
Deception1 Strength1
A pang of guilt struck the little cat as understanding flashed across Saira's face, and he nodded shakily as she repeated his observation. He almost wanted to apologize again, but for what exactly he couldn't find the words for. Instead he watched through frightened eyes as the tigress wilted back into her feline form, an instinctual relief washing over him despite the gnawing anxiety building in his belly that he'd offended her. At least his brain was no longer firing off every signal at once to scream that there was a predator staring him down, even if the logical part of him knew that Saira could likely just as easily snap back to that form again. "Sorry," he finally coughed, managing to find his voice again. He remained firmly wedged under the rocks, though unhooked his aching claws from the stone as his adrenaline petered and he found the wits to hold a conversation again. "I'm, ah--I have never seen a...body like that. The unknown tends to...hunger." For us, especially, Delta thought sardonically. His ears pricked as Saira spoke again, relieved again that her voice no longer rumbled through the stone or tickled his whiskers with the sheer power of her lungs. Power seemed to be something dragons were known for, according to her explanation. He almost chuckled disbelievingly at her assumption that he could be such a creature, but any amusement he'd felt was quickly swept away by both a pang of jealousy and shortly after that, guilt for feeling jealous.  Tsillah made him the way he was for a reason, he shouldn't wish to be something he wasn't. Even if that thing seemed arguably better in every way. " I am not a dragon. I just..." he thought back to her snapping that he'd looked strange. He hadn't paid it much notice in the moment, too preoccupied thinking that she was going to eat him, but he averted his gaze then as he relayed the words through his memory and shuffled his fins self-consciously. "...look like this." Delta had never thought of himself as strange looking; everyone he'd known had looked like him. He'd never felt much envy for the appearances of others until he'd met creatures such as Loch or Saira--it was an uncomfortable, unfamiliar feeling he'd rather live without. How bad must it have felt then for poor Saira when he'd hissed at her other form? He dipped his head towards the tigress and apologized again, properly this time. "I am sorry Saira, for my re--ah, reaction. It was rude of me."
Whoops! IC Date: 02/19/2025 Brightwood
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Youth Lean 10"
Health5 Dexterity5
Arcana1 Medicine1
Charisma1 Perception1
Constitution4 Stealth1
Deception1 Strength5
    It wasn't uncommon for mere days to feel like another lifetime, when your entire life was only a hundred and some change worth of them especially, but wow did it feel like another lifetime since she had been in the glade. She was hunched down in the undergrowth, still angling to get a meal, and yet nothing else was the same as it had been. Almost out of instinct her mind drifts back to that day, holding her breath until her lungs strained against her ribcage, remembering how pathetic and helpless she'd felt pressed against her mothers corpse and hoping they mistook her for dead. They had, the attack was just a lesson after all, maybe they even let her survive because a murdered pup was a step too far. She didn't ask, she'd stayed still as possible until their backs were turned, and then she ran and ran until she collapsed outside the valley. The exact horrors of her past remained a closely guarded secret. No one needed to know how deeply she was traumatized, because time wasted on sympathy could instead be spent learning. Becoming stronger, faster, better. The more of that she did the less likely she was to ever suffer the same fate again. She would protect her new pack, as they cared and protected her, and together they were strong enough to fend off any other attempt to repeat the horrible past she'd experienced. Of course, getting distracted by thoughts was bad for hunting, and hearing a rustle she panicked as she realized the prey was getting away. It was just a pride thing now, she didn't require this to survive, but this was all part of getting better. And so, far too frantically, she launched herself out of the bushes to pin down her prey. Except, well, it was larger than a squirrel.....or even a rabbit!    
[AW] In Dire Straits IC Date: 01/10/2025 Whitewater
Species Male Lion
Build Adult Athletic 43"
Skill ---
Health6 Dexterity4
Arcana2 Medicine1
Charisma4 Perception3
Constitution2 Stealth1
Deception3 Strength4
Soon enough, somebody did arrive, and thankfully, they chose not to immediately attack him. Even so, he lowered his head and tilted his horns a bit forward just in case, feeling the mana within him for the energy of lightning. It was a massive wolf, with - are those metallic? ram horns and equally as metallic spikes all along his back. He looked vaguely familiar, as if Matthias had seen him in a dream, and it somehow gave him a tingling feeling of anger or injustice. Well, that was weird. He'd never seen this man before in his life. 'Leave the territory of Verdantis at once,' the wolf said, "Okay," Matt obliged, turning the wheels around in a bit of a wild circle as he headed out. He kept the man in his peripherals, turning back and forth every few moments to look at him and look ahead of him, "Look, as you can see, my daughter is sick," he took a chance to turn around and look at Roxanne, "I don't know what's wrong with her. The weather hasn't been kind, and hunting is hard alone," ugh, was he really pleading right now? To a stranger? For a brief moment, Matthias admonished being a father. If he hadn't had her, he wouldn't be in this situation; he'd be perfectly fine on his own. But then he thought about the reason why he did have her, and it made all of his negative feelings go away, with a bit of guilt to boot. Still, it was enough to make Matthias stop in his tracks. He turned to face the wolf, "I just want to see your leader. I'd like to join Verdantis and get her some help. I was told your Kingdom wasn't one to let those in need remain that way," okay, well, Urna didn't exactly describe it that way, but if doing so could tug at any heartstrings this man had, then it'd be a good thing he said it.
code by naboo, with alterations.
[AW] In Dire Straits IC Date: 01/10/2025 Whitewater
Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength
Gabriel rolled the dice.
Character Diceroll 1: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful. 0 was added for Constitution. 527 was added for Level 5. 0 was added for A. No Enchantment. 3 was added for B. Homeland Buff.