Ancient Ruins
An ancient city of stone buildings lies hidden between hills and trees. Destroyed and toppled by some unknown disaster and the ages of time, now this place is a maze to be explored.
[AW] Toppled Lives
OOC Date: Yesterday, 03:09 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 08/09/2024  in  Ancient Ruins  —  
Species Male Lion
Build Adult Athletic 43"
Trade ---
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 2
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 2 Strength 3

Washed up? He wondered if she meant that literally or metaphorically. The news of Kingdoms was a disappointing one - not only were their residents in this new land but apparently they had been here long enough to form Kingdoms. He groaned inwardly at the thought, but opted not to let it show on his face. Instead, he kept the thoughts at the side of his mind, opting to worry about the future second to what was going on now. Right now, Matthias and Roxanne were still in the presence of a stranger, about to encounter even stranger things. But, the lion could also pick up vibes pretty well... and he found he quite liked Reed's.

"Roxanne, wait!" Off she went, her thirst for adventure being a pain in his tail yet again, and off he went after her, stallion backlegs kicking up dirt for a speedy take-off as he ran on all fours. Indeed, even as Matthias and Reed ran side by side, he couldn't help but to keep one eye on her. Not just because he didn't fully trust her yet, but also because... well, there was a lot to admire about her frame. He didn't think masculinity could ever look so good on a woman, but she made it work.

He slows to a stop when they encounter the lizard Roxanne spoke of. It was bigger and brighter than he'd imagined, and it had colorful dots on its otherwise bleak form. Isn't the point of dull colors to keep animals inconspicuous? "Stay back," he declares to the leopard cub, instinctively placing the front half of his body between her and the lizard. 'I'll have your back, Matthias. Don't you worry.' He gives a nod of acknowledgement - now it was his turn to make an impression. "You got that right. Time to teach this Duplispozard a lesson!"

Matthias would rear onto his backlegs, striking at the air with foreclaws out, before charging head-on at the Duplispozard. If successful, he would wait until their bodies were parallel to each other before grabbing the lizard by its tail and flinging it into the nearest wall, where it'll smack into it and slide down in a comical manner. The creature would attempt to flee, duplicating itself into multiple lizards in the process. If he fails, however, his grab at its tail will be met with swift retaliation - one that causes the lizard to latch onto his left elbow, releasing its tingling toxins into Matthias' body before it gets flung away, albeit not far enough to hit the wall. It'll still attempt to flee, duplicating itself in the process.

code by naboo, with alterations.