A river valley between two mountain ranges. A powerful river flows through rocky terrain, creating strong currents and dangerous rapids. Precious gold ore can be found in the river for those brave enough. The forests surrounding abound with life.
[AW] Just a refreshing swim? [TRESPASS]
OOC Date: 09-16-2024, 10:16 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

When Enya had set out for her daily adventures across the lands, marking and patrolling as she went, she hadn't planned on trespassing into the other kingdom's lands. When she had started out, she had made her way down the river that ran northwest to their Silver Lake. At the end of it, she had come to a T. She knew that following it left would take her further into her homelands. She also knew that following it to the right would lead her into Verdantis' lands. She also also knew that choosing to go right instead of left (which is what she did), would mean that there could be possibly dire consequences. It was forbidden for a Monarch to enter another kingdom's lands unknown to them. In fact, it was forbidden for anyone to cross into Kingdom's lands without a proper welcome or invitation. 

Enya had neither of those, nor did she care as she continued to follow the river west and northwards as it ran. She wondered what had driven her to make such a choice in the first place. Was it curiosity? That was likely part of the reason, but normally she was mature enough to smother down her curious desire. Wasn't she over these days of rule breaking and mischief causing?

Enya laughed out loud as she realized the irony of such a thought. One, she hadn't aged at all. Her coat, her body, still echoed that of her time in her prime. It was like somehow she was eternally stuck at the age of four, even though she was at least double it at this point. Two, mischief was everything that was Tsillah. Testing the other Kingdom. That was her motivation, her purpose. She wanted to see how quick they were to react to her presence and find her. She wanted to see how strong they were, or how many might come to the call of another when they cried for help. Ohr's teaching would do little to rival that of Tsillah's. She would prove it! 

Enya stalked deeper into the territory, making half an effort to remain undetected as she trespassed. The further she walked, the rougher the river grew. She stared at the way that the water rushed over the boulders, listened to the crashing rushing sounds as it rumbled and broke the earth. 'Yes' she thought to herself with a grin. 'Perhaps one day I will bring some of the younger ones here to try their Will at making their way up the rapids. What fun that could be if the locals showed up to join the party!' Her grin broadened. 'Maybe we could earn the territory for ourselves as an afterparty' The idea of ruling an entire continent still stuck heavily in the back of her mind even though she had agreed to give the idea up when they founded Duskorna. 

There was suddenly movement at the edge of the rushing waters. It was green, dark, and white and at first Enya suspected it to be some sort of bird or swamp creature with the way it crawled out. It was when she approached that she realized it was a canine instead. Enya kept a healthy distance from the stranger, at least 10 lengths away, and watched with her forked tongue flicking rapidly between her jaws. She was scenting the wolf as best as she could from this distance. However, it was hard to read if he was with a kingdom at all over the strong odor of Verdantis coating her tongue. So, instead she assumed he had caught her and had... maybe failed the jump across the river while trying to actually catch her? 

Enya's grin remained as she stared at the stranger. "You're going to have to do a little better than that if you're trying to catch me. Where even was your stealth? You should have just yelled 'Surprise!'. Maybe you would have at least startled me into shock or something. So, what are you gonna do now? Call for help? Call for backup? You best be fast, before I push you back into the rapids." She had already decided she wasn't going down without a fight. 

The creature, however, didn't move or budge at her taunting or threat. In fact, it laid there quite still, almost as if it was dead. She frowned, more upset by the fact that it had missed her well-placed taunting than the idea of finding a dead body along the shore. In fact, she huffed at the thought that of course a follower of Ohr would fall victim to the very rapids she wanted to test Duskorna's youth on. It was quite ironic, really.

Enya closed the distance between herself and the canid. Her tongue continued to flick between her jaws as it continued to scent the creature ahead. Definitely canine and definitely male. She lowered her muzzle to the stranger, inspecting it. She reached her Will out to touch it and made a surprised face when she sensed life still within the creature. Hmm she wondered to herself. Should she save him? Zehr's words reminded her that healers did not pick sides of the battle. "God damnit, Zehr" she cursed under her breath as she took in a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. She focused her mind and pushed energy into the canid. Then she waited, ready to take action, in case he woke up with teeth bared.

Success: Enya has 1 in character hour where the thread cannot be joined by Kingdom members
Failure: Enya has blown her stealth. Any Kingdom member may enter the thread to confront her. (please limit it to 2 additional characters for the sake of keeping the thread moving along as a personal player request. However, this is not a rule.)