A Mysterious Place
OOC Date: 07-10-2023, 02:05 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 02/03/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

“I don't have a home” The words caught him off guard and his ears flicked back quickly almost as though her tongue had whipped him. Her words didn’t seem harsh or angered but he hadn’t expected that from her. He had never thought how misfortune might have befallen her. She was strong-bodied and strong-willed. Her confidence, her charisma… her cunning - all those things she possessed he was sure would have led to her obtaining her desires, and a home among those. But he knew very little of what had happened to her after she left Vrolga. Had she drifted from place to place? Or had she settled down again and something terrible happened to make her leave? He wanted to ask her, both to sate his never ending curiosity and also because a part of him wanted to comfort her. But he bit his tongue. Instead he listened as she spoke of her son.

“No,” he said a bit sheepishly to her question. He didn’t bother adding “unfortunately” to the end. He wasn’t bothered by the fact he hadn’t seen anyone he knew for quite some time. There were very few faces that he missed. He held no ill-will toward old friends but the bonds that had held them together had weakened with time and the path that Tsillah had laid out for him. He had put those relationships aside when he left Vrolga. If fate should bring those faces to him again he would celebrate but until then he held no sadness or loss for those he had left behind. “Those are faces of the past now, I suppose. I was quite surprised when I found you.”

He imagined it was different for Enya. She had her children, though he was sure they must have grown into adults by now. He wondered if Ridley was the only one who had remained with her or if the others had gone their separate ways.

“I can help you look for them,” he offered, giving a nod and moving away to trot up the hill. He didn’t look over his shoulder to see if she followed. It just felt natural that they should travel together, even if it was just to look for her companions. “Buck should be our first priority then, if he’s most at risk. What sort of creature is he?” It was only then that Caedwyn paused, looking across the field for a moment before turning back to Enya - not knowing if she had followed him or not. “Does he normally stray from you or is there a way for you to summon him?” Caedwyn was unfamiliar with the ways of familiars. How exactly did that work? Was it some sort of psychic connection? Or maybe she just whistled and he would come? If it was a trick Caedwyn could figure out, they might have better luck finding the beast.

For a moment Caedwyn almost suggested they split up but as soon as the thought crossed his mind he pushed it away. No. This place was tricky. He feared if they parted ways they might never find each other again and he wasn’t ready to say goodbye just yet.