Midnight Mountains
A small mountain range known for its black colored rocks and mineral ore deposits. Many mining caves have been dug through the mountain but not all of these are safe. Bears and mountain lions guard the hills and many unsafe tunnels collapse without warning.
[P] History Repeats
OOC Date: 09-14-2024, 05:20 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/08/2024  in  Midnight Mountains  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 1 Strength 3
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It was the way her magic had pulsed through her, twisting her blue eye to gold. Made her see images of a pelt that belonged to a wolf that Ixora had long thought dead, killed by her own jaws. It was how the air breathed with a certain danger and how the images showed that blue scaled pelt torn and bloody that made her dig her paws in. Snarl at any creatures she passed when they got in her way as she raced over the black rocks. Her red pelt shining like a bloody beacon for those watching the mountainside.

Ixora had many things that she regretted in her life. A long list of actions that had shaped her existence and changed her path. On the very top of the list was how she had sunk her fangs into Enya's neck and used the magic she had been gifted to stop her heart. It was the thing that had haunted her every move and chased her in every dream. She had rarely stopped thinking about the event that had broken her even as magic larger than herself had thrown her across distant lands. Now here she was with her magic showing her that the wolf she had had thought gone from her life forever was in fact living and breathing.

Ixora would be damned if she let the lifeblood leave her once more.

Panting as she crested the top of the narrow ridge, she had been climbing she froze. I'm coming for you! This is our land, and you're not allowed into it without permission! The words rang in her ears, forced her already racing heart faster still. Tears dripped down her cheek as she stared out across the land before her. Her heart ached as much from regret as it did from elation. Her red form was motionless while her emotions writhed and chased themselves around her chest. Dark lines soaked into her cheeks as her tears continued to fall.

Suddenly her magic flared once more in warning and Ixora took off yet again. Dark rocks scattering as she slid and raced down the step decline. Jumping over large rocks and using her specter magic to traverse the harsher terrain and make the dangerous leaps that would have harmed her otherwise. Images of Enya bleeding spurring her on further, forced her already racing paws faster.

When she arrived, it was when the pair had already clashed, their last words to each other barely caught by Ixora over the sound of her heartbeat hammering in her ears. Not that it mattered to her what they had been discussing. All she saw was the blood that dripped down Enya's pelt.

It was all she needed to see.

Lips pulled back into a soundless snarl revealing sharp fangs as pale eyes narrowed. Her form was against the side of the slope that the saber had come from and it gave her the advantage, at least for the moment. She had no doubt that the red of her coat would soon catch the attention of the cat, making her advantage useless in seconds. Ixora planned to use that advantage as much as she could while she still had it.

Not making a sound she crouched low her muscles tensing beneath her red hued coat before she lunged, not even concerned about the fall. Jumping down over Enya in an attempt to grab the cat by the scruff. Trying to tear at the muscles that helped him move his neck and make it that much harder for him to lash out in turn against the two wolves with the overly large fangs that he had. She had no doubt that he could leave lasting and permanent damage if he managed to bite them.

It was only a split second before she landed that her shadow crossed over him. His gaze immediately raising and taking in her dropping form. His muscles bunching as he reacted to this new threat that was seconds from landing on him.

Art by SgtRayFox ^^

Ixora HP 8/8
Saber HP 9/10

Ixora Attack
Success: Bites into the Saber's neck -1hp
Fail: Ix gets a mouthful of furĀ 

Saber Retaliation
Success: Sees Ix fast enough to swipe at her shoulder (if ix fails she gets shoved off) -1hp
Fail: Doesn't react fast enough and misses