Silver Lake
A mountain river flows into a large, stunning lake. The waters reflect silver in the day and under moonlight. A plain of gentle hills and forests surround the lake. Herds of elk are native here.
Fish out of water [p]
OOC Date: 09-14-2024, 02:44 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/04/2024  in  Silver Lake  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Lean 40"
Trade ---
Trade ---
Health5 Dexterity1
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 2 Perception 1
Constitution 5 Stealth 2
Deception 1 Strength 3
linked accounts

If there was one thing that was different between being under the waves and being on land and near its shore it was the sheer amount of life. Bermuda lurked beneath the waves his body darkened in his aquatic state and his tail having split into tentacles. Fish darted around him in silver schools, making the light dance and scatter in the water. It was almost laughable how much life was here compared to his place of birth. Here the waters were warm and life flourished, while he had been raised in the icy cold waters deep beneath the surface far from the light.

A splash had Bermuda's attention in an instant and his gaze darted towards the source of the sound. No sudden movements betraying him, a habit gained from waiting for prey to come to him. From where he lay he could only just see the form of a dark wolf retreating from the waters to lay on a rock, with whatever he had grabbed as his prize. The form was one he recognized from the little get together that had been held along the lake shore not so long ago.

Laying still Bermuda watched for a moment before without even really considering it he drifted closer. Dark tentacles spanned out from his form as he moved closer before he finally rose from the water. Pale eyes stark against dark fur as water dripped from his rising frame. His tentacles spreading in the water like twisting lines of ink behind him. A pulse of light rippled down his body lighting up hidden spots before fading away once more.

“It seems that luck is on your side.” Bermuda said as he caught sight of the pearl that lingered in the mussel. It didn't look like the mussels that he was used to seeing along the ocean trenches, but that was to be expected given they were currently in the warm waters of the lake. A lake that Bermuda was slowly finding himself growing attached to. He tipped his head slightly to see if he could identify the color but found that he couldn't unless he wanted to step closer than he was willing to do with a wolf that was currently still unknown to him.