Emerald Grove
A hilly terrain covered by deciduous forest. Creeks cut between the hills. The tall forest reaches upward and underneath, ferns cover the ground.
Teach me your ways [P]
OOC Date: 09-14-2024, 02:03 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/03/2024  in  Emerald Grove  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya paused and held her breath as Eon's gaze lay fixated on his reflection in the water. She wished desperately that she could read his mind. What was he thinking? What was he feeling? Her teal gazed stared in wonder at him, watching, waiting to hear what he might say to her questions. Then, suddenly, his breathing quickened and Eon gasped. What did it mean? Eon, then, relaxed into a sit and Enya leaned in towards him. “There is another god who wants me in chains,”" he proclaimed. Enya's ears immediately flattened on her head. Which god would dare restrain one of Tsillah's followers from their true potential? She was about to ask who when he answered.

'I think it might have been Ohr' 

Enya's ears flicked back forward at the mention of the name 'Ohr'. She'd learned of Ohr through her previous religious studies back when she lived in the kingdom with Meliodas. She'd been nose deep in books, trying to embrace his way of life all for her to dismiss her regardless. She never did like the teachings of Ohr. After growing up and believing in Tsillah for the majority of her life, Ohr's teaching seemed so... gentle and all encompassing. Through his teachings, she understood that all are worthy of his light. Every single creature is touched by Ohr through a piece of their Will. There were no tests. There was no feats of strength. It just... was. So, what was even the point of trying? Of doing? Believing? Tsillah drove her followers with the promise of purpose and success. Ohr drove... nothing. Sticking their noses into books just like she had in the kingdom of Melidoas', the same time period where she had become, physically, the weakest she'd been since her finding Vrolga and in turn, Tsillah. She had lost her faith, and she had suffered in Ohr's learnings. 

A low, dangerous growl rose up from Enya's throat as she pondered the reality of Ohr holding back one of Tsillah's believers. It was an abomination! A threat to Tsillah's sake! Was it magic of their followers holding Eon back? Did this have something to do with their neighboring pack, Verdantis? The thought of magic users or spies in their territory casting a spell on Eon made her eyes dart around, searching the bushes and shadows for any would-be offenders. 

Eon's statement, luckily, broke her from her growing aggression towards any potential trespassers. The growl in her throat lessened, and instead her tail started to wag once more. "Good. Eon, have you ever known a god to deny an offering to them? Gods are, after all, our foundations. They experience emotions the same as we do, I believe. I'm sure it's on an entirely different level. Could you even begin to imagine the amount of pride a god has? Tsillah have devotees literally dying to meet her. We live our whole life under her guidance, striving to be the strongest and best versions of ourselves so that we might one day face her in our final test." She let a smirk come to her muzzle, though still kept her eyes shifting around to spot anything rustling in the bushes. "Tsillah's favorite offerings consists of bones, trophies, or pelts as a show of strength to her. Do you have anything of that you will sacrifice for her?"