Crystal Caverns
A cave and tunnel system that cuts through the mountains. Deep underground, glowing minerals along the ceiling provide a dim light source that looks like stars in the darkness. Huge pools of clear water and strange plants grow within the caves.
[P]New around here
OOC Date: 09-12-2024, 06:25 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/02/2024  in  Crystal Caverns  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1
Eons ears perked at Helix’s response. No gods ever sticking sounded familiar. He had never been interested in religion, even repulsed by the idea, but Tsillah felt different. The idea fluttered in his mind that he might converse with Enya to learn more about the goddess.  Still, he felt the fluttering in his gut. He did his best to push it to the back of his brain and distract himself with the task at hand. Mining. 

When Helix asked about the size and color he wanted, he seemed to be snapped back to reality. Whatever the weird anxiety was had faded. He looked down at the pouch he carried. It wasn’t very big.  Gesturing to it, he’d respond.  “Any colors, but they need to fit in here”  He wanted to get a mix of different gems. Each color gave off a different vibration, and the thought crossed his mind that he could use them for talismans.  The idea of gems radiating magic energy would have sounded silly to him just a few moons ago, but now he was intrigued by the idea.

He began to imagine what else he would need to make the talismans. He would need some metal to hold the crystals together and some wire so they would be wearable. Where would he be able to find those materials? Maybe he would need to explore more territories. Realizing he had been so caught up in his thoughts, Eon would begin digging up some crystals himself. He began to dig up a pink one, then a purple one, and add them to his bag. Looking back towards Helix, he'd begin  to speak, hoping to keep the conversation going. "I've never seen gems before that glowed like this, have you?