A Mysterious Place
OOC Date: 07-10-2023, 01:50 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 02/03/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4
Her breathing turned from labored to normal gradually as she sat and rested, enjoying the feeling of snowflakes gently settling along her fur. The feeling shifted, however, and the gentle falling of the snowflakes seemed to grow more intense. Her teal eyes opened to watch as her magic was growing out of control. Wait. No. She hadn’t struggled with her elemental magic in years. This was someone or something else’s doing. She tried to use her Will to calm the storm, to force the flurrying flakes to calm down. It didn’t work. Something was fighting her control.

Whatever or whoever it was, they entertained her. If they had wanted to use her element against her, they could have done so many more things with it. So, instead of feeling fear at this strange phenomenon, she smirked, letting the winds and flakes race and swirl around her. Enya’s teal eyes watched the magic at work, smiling, as it stopped to hang in front of her. Then, ice started to form, growing upwards. Enya’s head tilted as she watched the magic unfold, watched as the ice slowly began to morph from the shape of nothing to the two shapes of something.

Two wolves were left standing facing one another. Enya’s head tilted the other way as she inspected the ice, feeling the magic one again fall completely under her control. Where the snowflakes had started to blow away, Enya recaptured them, once more directing them to shower her and the small area around her gently.

Her paws reached outwards to grab one of the statues. She cradled it carefully, ensuring her paws were coated with a cold touch to not melt the ice, and inspected the figure. It had a likeness to her. That was unmistakable. The ice had even been detailed enough in formation to highlight the scales that ran the length of her underside and neck. It decorated her muzzle with a cocky smirk. Enya reached out towards the other figure after gently placing down the version of ‘her’ and inspected it in the same fashion. This one was harder for her to identify. There were little mutations and, well, with it being ice, no real coloration to indicate who it was supposed to be.

A breeze gently pushed past her over the plain’s grasses and upon recognizing a familiar scent, she forgot all about the two ice figures. The second was not dropped, but gently placed back down upon the soil next to the first. Her gaze shifted in the direction the wind had come from. There she saw him standing on the hill. She let her grip on her magic slip away, causing the snowflakes to cease to fall. There was no room for concentration on her magic right now. All of her concentration was focused on the wolf who stood up on the hill.

In that moment, Enya was unsure how she felt about seeing Caedwyn in these strange lands. A part of her was excited. She was no longer alone in this world. There was finally a familiar face here with her. Despite the rough history the pair had, seeing him standing on the hill made her feel happy. Almost giddy. Her tail swayed furiously behind her with a will of its own as she stood, making it obvious she saw him standing there (finally).

The other part of her felt scared and nervous. What would he think, seeing her? She’d tried to make everything right again after she’d caused everything to go wrong, but did he forgive her? Had he moved on past all of that? She had. She’d grown into a different wolf than she used to be. That didn’t mean he felt the same, though.

“Fuck it” she muttered softly to herself, deciding to put one paw in front of the other and move herself towards a potential rejection. She was tired of running away from her problems and fears. It was the part of her that had changed over the past year. Even leaving the Clan, it was done on mutual terms of agreement, not her fleeing and disappearing without a trace, escaping her responsibilities and troubles. Caedwyn could reject her. He could scorn her for how she had treated him in the past. He could ambush her, though that didn’t really feel like a move he would pull. If Enya knew anything about Caedwyn, it was that he was a loyal wolf. She should have learned that much sooner, but at least she knew that now.

Her gait moved from a brisk walk to a lope to a full on sprint up the hill. Her lithe frame covered the ground quickly and once she’d reached Caedwyn, she’d damn near thrown herself at him in an embrace. The entire time her tail wagged furiously behind her. A soft whimper left her as she pushed and nuzzled against Caedwyn. Perhaps she was crossing boundaries by being so affectionate with a wolf she’d nearly killed. It didn’t matter to her. She was glad to see him. She was ecstatic to see him. He was someone she knew, a friend amongst strangers. She’d been alone for weeks at this point and if there was anything Enya was not good at, it was being a lone wolf. There had been a reason why she’d been searching for her son and familiar the entire time.
